At the height of the nationwide protests over the police murder of George Floyd, then-President Donald Trump asked if authorities could simply shoot the Black Lives Matter protesters who had taken to the streets in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, according to a new memoir.
Fascists act like fascists. It is in their DNA and instinctual for them. We knew it then. We know it now. The warning signs have been and are continually flashing RED!!
The problem is that people who would likely support Trump will just love him even more when they hear stories like this whereas people who don’t like him won’t alter their opinion at all.
There were children at these peaceful protests. My grandchildren were there. Aiming for an adult’s leg could be a bullet through a child’s heart, or brain.
Esper is a scumbag and I won’t “read” his “book,” but in this excerpt, I wondered if he wasn’t describing TFG redfaced with panic, beneath the pancake.
Since it’s coming from the leader of the cult of ultimate asshattery, which considers violence and brutality to be legitimate political discourse, tfg’s comment is in no way surprising.