There were anti-fascists before those.
In Spain, for example, including some Americans …
There were anti-fascists before those.
In Spain, for example, including some Americans …
It worked. That’s what Trump and his gang are counting on.
Crap! I need to get rid of my Antifa membership card and secret decoder ring, pronto.
Trump was already there yesterday, along with Barr:
“It’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!”
I know several folks who deem anyone to the left of Ronald Reagan “The Radical Left.”
(includes just about everyone on FoxNews and in the WH)
You mean FDR?
We all love Woodie Guthrie. He’s his own kind of hero. But it’s this guy who killed fascists.
And these:
The funny thing is, I haven’t met or known any actual communists since I was in college. But in my own neighborhood there are several assholes here that I would say meet the criteria for fascists and then some. It’s really odd that these “imaginary” communist or Antifa “entities“ should produce such agency.
I agree completely.
A race war make a poor substitute for a campaign message of economic prosperity.
Not going to work this time. The general left proved yesterday that, when finally energized to hit the streets, they have far more numbers than a couple of hundred fat guys with guns protesting masks and stay-at-home orders.
In pretty much every other country where we’ve seen things happen on a scale like last night, the regime has collapsed shortly thereafter, and the dictator flees on a gunboat to a safe haven.
Trump is scared.
I meant “Uncle Joe”. FDR was far too divorced from the hoi polloi for the people’s movement.
Perhaps we should ask the Japanese how they feel about whether or not Americans are fascist.
C’mon, you know that’s not true. Sometimes, they flee in a helicopter…
Some were like him, sure!
And none were “centrists.”
Can’t you just picture him in an SS uniform?
This is all he’s got, all he ever had—making threats that mean nothing. The WH is vacant except for his stench. More & more Americans are realizing what the situation is. No one’s in charge.
He would be designated a “socialist” by today’s GOP standards.
And too often that safe haven has been … the US!
Not the proper South American ones, they always use gunboats. Much more classy.
Actually, everybody and anybody who’s not a member of the Republican Party is Antifa right now.
I’ve been anti-fascist my entire life, and I’m not about to stop being such now.
Come and get me, Barr.
And from a wheelchair, no less. Not what we meant by “boots on the ground”.