President Trump tweeted on Sunday that the U.S. will designate “ANTIFA” — a collective of anti-fascist leftist groups — as a terrorist organization after days of protests nationwide against the death of George Floyd.
I can’t decide whether this is ignorance–he doesn’t know that “antifa” comes from ‘anti-fascist’ movements in the 30s, against Nazi tyranny and aggression–or a deliberate act of identification with authoritarian forces here in the US. Either way, wow. Just wow.
Trump’s latest tweets echo his Saturday morning tweet blaming the violence that has erupted during protests on “ANTIFA” and the “Radical Left.” His Saturday afternoon remarks while speaking at the Kennedy Space Center after the historic SpaceX and NASA launch also expressed a similar sentiment.
Yet he offered no words of comfort to the nation. I know that he doesn’t possess the capacity to offer such words, but he doesn’t even want to try.
Antifa doesn’t fucking exist. It’s not an “organization”–it’s a weirdo dissociated conglomeration of activists, nuts, and agents provocateurs. Somebody said it up-thread: this is just another excuse for authoritarian suspension of civil liberties.
Will there be enough under informed voters to take the “law and order” bait, a la Nixon? I think tRump will push this but eventually step on it (ETTTD) because he lacks strategic self control. Peaceful protests are righteous. Fires, looting, violence will not benefit anti-trump efforts, I believe.
I look forward to Trump and Barr laying out the full, unvarnished evidence for Antifa’s alleged involvement. I also look forward to a thorough investigation noting the roles of other organizations, both on the far left as well as the far right, and the police officers as well. Should be interesting, and I suspect, will not provide the narrative Trump desires.
By the way, as Trump does not have the authority to make this designation, are there any real-world consequences to this, other than the usual PR nonsense he lives for?
Here is the deal - there are no more breaks. No one gets a break from around the clock anger, hatred and provocation from now until sometime deep in 2021, if then. This is now officially how the country is run.
One does wonder why the media even bothers to ask these reference models in this case, NSA’s Robert C. O’Brien, for clueless white dude, for anything regarding race.
Yeah, this’ll be his Reichstag fire, (Ed. Cor.) if they actually try and go through with it.
I did think there had to be some evidence supporting these designations, no?
Yup your great grandchildren will still be waiting on that until they return to dust. Also, too, the amazing evidence coming out of Hawaii any day now that proves O’bummer isn’t an American.