Trump-Ally Netanyahu Is Mulling Whether Omar, Tlaib Can Enter Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — one of President Trump’s closest allies — will reportedly have to decide whether two of the President’s latest political enemies can enter Israel and the West Bank for a tour in coming weeks, Haaretz reported.

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If Bibi-the-Criminal bars US Congress members from entering Israeli, the House should immediately pass a resolution condemning this unprecedentedly inappropriate action by an alleged “ally”–and every single #resistance voice should be united in condemning Netanyahu personally.

And, of course, it’ll blow up in Bibi’s face–just the way such bullshit blows up in Trump’s.


It was OK to boycott South Africa to pressure them because of their mistreatment of blacks. But it’s not OK to boycott Israel because of their mistreament of Palestinians.

Seems legit.


I don’t claim to understand Israeli politics at more than a skin-deep level, but this seems like an astoundingly stupid play on Netanyahu’s part. I tend to think Omar (less sure about Tlaib) has been playing a bit far out over her skis politically, and this gives Israel skeptics more cover than they could possibly want.

Forget about what’s right or wrong for a moment, it just looks stupid.


You would think, if Yahoo had any brains, he would be mulling what could happen if Trump loses the 2020 election and he and his country have to deal with a Democratic administration.

Nah! He’s just like Trump. Tomorrow he’ll be telling the Palestinians to go back where they came from - you know, Palestine.


DO it Bibi…just DO IT. Show America what a racist POS you really are. DO IT. The American Jews can pull support for you just that fast. DO IT.


He will ban them because he has to suck up to Trump. He is just another vector of hate that is burning up the US and many other parts of the world. Like Trump, he has violated his country’s laws, and, like Trump, he hasn’t had to appear in court to answer charges even though Israel does not provide the legal shelters that apply to POTUS.


“ Netanyahu — who named a region of Golan Heights after Trump as thanks for his recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the area”

Slightly OT but wasn’t that a fraud? A non-existent development, equivalent to the Model-Home in Arrested Development?


Yeah, a total fraud.

I could name my garden shed “The Smithsonian Institution”, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to find an original Shakespeare folio sitting next to my weed whacker.




Screw that. Cut off aid and end military sales to Israel. That’d end it toot sweet.


That will never pass AIPAC muster.


A move to bar US Reps from Israel by Netanyahu would be the height of hypocrisy, given his crashing the US Congress to deliver his own brand of bullshit. So, of course he’ll do it.


Fascist Assholes gotta stick together.


My father risked his life in WWII so Israeli’s could ally with a fascist to oppress people? To oppress American representatives? To spit on American voters?


Matt Gaetz R-Florida man invited a Holocaust denier to the state of the union so by the Likud logic he’s probably ok to go there.
As far as congresswoman Tlaib is concerned her mother lives on the West Bank and her family history most likely predates Bibi’s Revisionist Zionist Jabotinsky supporter father who arrived there in the 1920’s.


Reminder: When we were trying to apply pressure on the apartheid regime in Pretoria, the Republicans had to be dragged kicking and screaming, nor did they ever fully participate.


Netanyahu is a racist thug, just like Trump. He may be a bit smarter but he’s a thug nonetheless. The Israeli populace has devolved enough to accept publicly the racism that was once kept hidden. Open discussion of genocide is now commonplace.

It is politically unacceptable in the United States for most politicians to criticize Israel for its apartheid policies. Sad but true.


Netanyahu is evil but he’s not stupid. He is just a bit desperate right now, because he’s in legal jeopardy for crimes superficially unrelated to abuse of Palestinians.


In hindsight, after a generation of blacks offorded at least some of the benefit of fair legislation and upward mobility, there are but a few Republicans that would be willing to say the ends still didn’t justify the means.
But in 20 years, should Palestinians get a homeland and be treated as equals among everyone else in the Middle East, I’d posit we’d see many Republicans still bitching about how Israel got screwed in the process.