Trump Allies Use Expected Indictment To Try To Turn GOP Against DeSantis

Former President Donald Trump’s political allies are trying to use the possible upcoming indictment against him in the Stormy Daniels hush money case to rally the GOP against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) — increasingly the most popular roadblock in Trump’s third run for office.

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“For DeSantis to make that post yesterday, talking about the Hurricane Ian response and nothing from the personal account whatsoever about the arrest — it was a message that was received.”

Oh, the horror! An elected official being more concerned with hurricane relief than whether some rando criminal gets indicted!!



I relish watching them destroy each other.


It’s all a grift: cheapjack hustlers all elbowing one another aside to get at the marks.


'This prosecution of President Trump is a farce and does grave damage to our republic.’, Posobiec suggested as a tweet on Saturday.

Actually, the failure to prosecute Trump is an attack on the entire judicial and legal underpinning of our republic and puts the nation itself in grave danger. And Prosobiec’s suggested lie is already an existential danger.


The sooner the far right and its luminaries fall on each other with scythes, ice picks and hat pins, the better for all else.


From Digby at Salon: You have to almost admire the elegance of the straight jacket in which Trump has wrapped DeSantis. If he defends Trump he looks like a weakling, especially in light of the barrage of insults Trump has been hurling at him over the past couple of weeks. If he doesn’t he offends the MAGA base that he’s been turning himself inside out for to prove that he’s more Trump than Trump. And although it’s unlikely, DeSantis could be forced into an even more painful position should Trump decide not to surrender, requiring his rival to decide whether to extradite him to New York.


Pity the poor Republican Party. :crazy_face:
If Trump gets bumped out of the nomination for Fuhrer there will a unnamed 3rd party handing the Dems a win.
What is the largest organization of assholes in the history of our nation to do.


From the Prologue to “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch, describing Nazi Germany. Sound familiar??

"Built on a twisted form of extreme patriotism, it’s fueled by racial hatred, mass propaganda, conspiracy theories, the demonizing of minority groups, and the cult of personality around a narcissistic leader. Under the influence of this ideology – plus the ruthless political party that promotes it – a country that formerly embraced democratic values has turned towards authoritarianism, hatred, and violence. It is Germany and its principal allies, Italy and Japan, who have unleashed this calamitous war."


The Trumpers only have bytes to give in defense of their Dear Leader.


I think DeSantis has made a statement this morning that tracks with other GOPers. Don’t see how Trump gets much of an edge there.

Where Trump can galvanize the GOP is by running the same grievance campaign and tell folks they’re trying to take him out personally in order to hurt MAGA folks. He has run on that since he started getting into trouble with the law in his first year in office. He has already made the argument that he represents their grievance and weapon of revenge to strike back at the system. He can personalize it even more with an indictment. I think that would have a pretty good chance of working in the GOP primary but the drift of GOP aligned voters to Dems we saw in 2022 will accelerate and Biden would have a legitimately good chance to win North Carolina, increase margins in GA/AZ, win WI/PA/MI more easily and have a real shot at Texas. Dems would also have a very good chance to hold the Senate seats in MT/OH/AZ and stay at 50 Senators. WV is more difficult if Jim Justice runs. He comes across as more pragmatic than ideological and given WV’s lean I don’t think Manchin would have a chance against him.


Lie down with Trump, wake up with Trump.


Next Trump rally will be in Waco, it’ll be a blast.


Wow - quite a bold statement from the warrior who wants to ban Dr. Suess.


"…it was a message that was received.”

“We don’t like you. We really don’t like you.”


Carnival-ize one’s own prosecution. It was coming…but will be counter-productive because of what the carnivalizing requires.


Blame Obama, of course.


Welcome to Republicanland, where being criminally indicted somehow makes one more qualified to hold office!