Trump Allies Scramble To Clean Up Racist Mess

Sorry, the price you pay by using anonymous sources is that the public will have more doubts.


Crowd size again, Trumpy? A ‘crowd-sourced’ brain and outsourced morality. This guy hasn’t done a single useful thing since he’s been in office.


Bullshit. Trump is de-normalizing a longstanding practice that has established safeguards built in—I’ve done this myself, I’m trained in it—and you’re being used by him. Wake the fuck up.


“You put your head up, and you get it cut off,” an unnamed staffer involved with fundraising for Trump’s reelection campaign told the Post.

How in the hell can anybody span the disconnect between “You put your head up, and you get it cut off,” and continuing to work for the reelection of the monstrosity that created and feeds that environment?


from which they came

Acted alone my ass. Anyone who thinks Trump came up with that on his own is incredibly naive, dishonest, or delusional.

Stephen Miller, still zero days without being a shanda and a paskudnyak. Baba would have spit in his face, called him a Hitler, told him she hated him like poison (all in heavily accented English), then told him in Yiddish that she hoped he got cholera. I concur.




There’s no grand strategy, just impulsive, visceral racism. The MAGAs like him because he hates the people they hate, and he breaks every rule and norm possible. People have to realize this is perhaps the last battle of the culture war. We either win this thing and boot the Trumpers out of office, or we go into the dark ages of the Republic. Vote. Make your reps accountable to defend the Republic.


And if the WaPo and the “failing” New York Times are all fake news, all the time, why is he spending so much Executive Time scouring them for negative stories?!


As in, “Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!”
Churchill: "Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price”.


As I explained to a co-worker last year who insisted on talking politics, specifically about the ‘tragedy’ of allowing trans-genders to use the bathroom of their choice…they’ve already lost that battle, as corporations themselves are ensuring that rights apply equally across the board.

Same with racism. They lost the commie-scares of the 50’s and they’ve lost the segregation battle. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by resurrecting this battle again. It’s already been lost!

Yet these are tired, old, white men doing all the babble. They know in their ‘hearts’ that they will die soon and will not be remembered. I think that’s what drives the kind of defense Lindsey Graham and others have shown for Trump’s anything-but-a-stable-genius statements.


His entire life is a project to resolve the cognitive dissonance his mental illness causes.


Lots of people get sucked into the orbit of a fascist sociopath.

I think in Lindsey’s case there’s kompromat. He flipped in one day, after a private golf-course conversation with DJT in October 2017


If it is any consolation for any of us, it does appear to be getting a tad harder to find people to fill those voids. The biggest downside is that those people who are still willing to become eunuchs or Stepford WH Staffers are the least qualified (or trustworthy) to work anywhere in government.


I see some of Trumps people are out and about on the tube,spouting what the Congresswomen (Hate the word squad) said that was so bad.Haven’t seen any commentators challenge them yet.

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In the spirit of the day I’m going to double down. Impeachment is too good for Donald Trump. There should be an armed rebellion (there won’t be, they have all the guns) and people like Lindsay Graham should be tarred and feathered (He won’t be, nobody remembers how to do it). And lastly, Trump supporters are an albatross around our collective neck. They should go back where they came from (They’ll never get in, no other country wants them).


Trump = Dumb, The Trump Base = Dumber


There’s absolutely no accident that tRump chose Stephen Miller to go on TV this morning to triple down on the racism. He is generally the silent, behind-the-scenes avatar (or Rasputin if you prefer) for all things otherizing, racist and anti-immigrant policy decisions in this maladministration.


That’s the scary part of his evil empire. I agree with @mattinpa that some people will do anything for a dollar, but the rest of the people who get sucked into it almost assuredly are predisposed toward, or already agree with, the underlying philosophy. And they aren’t all old white men. I have a nephew who outwardly is very personable and likeable, but as my son has said about his cousin, if this were 1930s Germany he’d be a brownshirt.


I think his “amazingly consistent poll ratings” are a bunch of bullshit from lots of people who want to jerk around the interviewers (and never admit they were wrong, besides all the other things with with calling landlines in the afternoon, etc.) —which is a damn shame, because if the GOP could truly gauge how much he’s despised, he might actually get a challenger from his own party. Of course, at this point, they have absolutely no agenda, no policies, no nothing.


At some point, the Trump Organization will despair of running a campaign that could actually, y’know, get votes. Then they’ll turn to Plan B, which is to steal it with the help of the of the Russians. I predict this will happen, oh, around late 2015.