Trump Allies Scramble To Clean Up Racist Mess

Maybe, but Graham’s public switch from never-trumper to sickeningly obsequious ass-licker was so abrupt and shocking, there had to be something serious behind it.

trump, having been raised in the mob and still controlled by it (this time the Russian oligarchs) knows how to use blackmail as a weapon. He’s got plenty of secrets - his own and others’ - that he is clever enough to keep hidden.

In my opinion, trump’s first move on someone who disagrees with him would be to get the person under control, through hush money, blackmail or physical threats, a la Cohen. If the person succumbs, then that person’s part of the family and is rewarded with perks and protection. If the person continues to show “disloyalty,” then trump leans hard and tries to humiliate them publicly. And he never forgets a slight.


Also, I’m not so sure that Trump adjusts so much as everyone else does.

I’d vote for a cow pie


before I would vote for trump.

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Our country is being destroyed before our eyes. Now that’s the sort of language I heard from wingers I know when Obama was in office but now I see it. Whole groups of employees in at least two federal departments are being told “either up and move across the country in 30 days or you are fired”.

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I’ve noticed how ANGRY Graham is when forced to protect Trump. Maybe…

I think next to no “maybe” about it.
And for some reason disco bot does not like me including quotes from previous posts…
Bad disco bot
Bad disco bot.


You just have to remove a single character from the quoted post (like a period), and it works just fine.

@discobot is just like finding a new lover, you have to know how to treat her right!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Bad disco bot

And on another note …my weather underground app is losing it. The ambient air temperature here in Tucson is 105 degrees. Not abnormal of r this time of year BUT the app is saying it feels like 99 degrees.
It frigging feels like 105.
I challenge the programmers of the Weather Underground app to come here and see if it feels like it’s 99 outside.


Not THAT weather underground
You know who I mean

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Honest mistake… They also turned up the heat…

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I have that weather app on my phone and tablet and tell ya what…it ain’t no 99 outside right now…it’s 105. No matter where one is, that is hot.

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I want to know how he was recommended, and by whom. No way Trump brought him along himself.

Pretty much. Needs to not go forgotten or unremarked.

And/or, banal.

Trump is uncontrollable!


I actually like to add a couple of the last punctuation (period, whatevah) - that does the trick, too…

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In MI, PA, and WI, Trump’s margin of victory was the equivalent of 24 people in a full Texas Stadium: less than 24 out of every 80,000 voters put Trump over the top. It seems hard to fathom that, in each 80,000 voters, less than 24 people who voted for Trump regret their choice and wouldn’t repeat it. There is no need to change the minds of everybody who voted for Trump. Just enough. In the right places.

On Harris’s record as California AG: if the worst thing that happened under her tenure was a decision not to prosecute Mnuchin or somebody else, so what? Prosecute/decline to prosecute decisions get made all the time and the reasoning is frequently opaque to people on the outside, who don’t know the evidence, the specifics of the law, etc., and are just mad and want to see somebody go to jail. The DoJ decided not to prosecute Clinton for her emails. It happens.

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