I believe I see the problem.
I wonder what Biden’s going to do with all his campaign cash ? He sure as shit isn’t going to need it to win this election. Trump’s paying for that.
Modern day republicans are by their nature incapable of reforming health care, because they see nothing of value in the public interest. To them, government should “get out” of health care, and leave it to the profiteers of the private sector.
Fucking republicans. They have no control over themselves – they’re acting on behaviors coded into their withered souls during a different era. It’s like that scene in the Naked Gun where Reggie Jackson is programmed to kill the queen and he marches robotically from the outfield saying “Must…kill…the queen…”
And we’re all the queen. I just hope there’s a Frank Drebin on that Supreme Court.
You just don’t know what “something fantastic” means. Just wait. We’re going have that fantastic healthcare and Mexico’s going to pay for it.
Coz the ACA was the Conservative alternative from the get go. It’s based on the MA Romneycare, which was in turn based, iirc, on a Heritage Foundation white paper. There’s nothing more conservative that works.
The Republicans hate the black man that signed off on their plan so much they will gladly kill millions of people to get their revenge.
The corrupted Supreme Court better think very carefully about what they are going to do. If they kill Obamacare you will see people turn on the courts and lose all confidence in an impartial judicial system. You’ll see a spike of people saying they cannot sit on juries because they no longer have confidence in the system…and you’ll see a lot of folks willing to engage in jury nullification to smack a crooked Trump judge down.
I think I’m going to move down there. I’ll take my chances with the drug lords and kidnappers. I understand some of them are good people.
He did his “poor me, not enough people love me” plea for sympathy yesterday on Hannity. Today, he’s preparing to punish us, by taking OUR ball and going home with it.
During the 2016 campaign Trump promised better, cheaper, medical insurance for every American. One might conclude that he is a liar…
Standard republican bullshit taken to its extreme by an idiot PT Barnum. They’ve got nothing; he’s got nothing.
If successful, this will be the death knell for the R party.
Where is it?
Ask Phony Joni Ernst who says if you need help with medical bills go to your church and ask for help. Why they’ll do all those bake sales and bingos to help with the chemotherapy!
Oh and don’t forget all those coin cans at 7-11s. They’ll help a little bit too.
And if you lose your house thanks to cancer, well, That’s Gawd’s Will!
There are mighty fine people on both sides of the drug lord thing.
Who want’s to bet that Chief Justice Roberts wants no part of this shit and sides with the liberal to end this crap once and for all?
I’ve said for years that their heart is just not in it.
This doesn’t seem like much of an exaggeration anymore:
It’s called “owning the libs.”