Trump Admin Pushing Forward With Plan To Enable Anti-Immigrant Redistricting | Talking Points Memo

The Census Bureau offered new details this week on how it will try to implement President Trump’s plan to help states diminish the political power of immigrant communities.

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Bring on the lawsuits.

Thankfully, the Administrative Procedure Act requires notice, comment, and publication, so the interest groups have ample time to prepare the suits. Presuming the Trumpsters bother to follow the APA, which is always a question.

Another reason we all need to work to make sure Donnie and his fetid swamp creatures are long gone by 2021.


He’s gonna bang his head against this wall until he finds someone that will let him do it.

No one will.


If the data to rig districting comes out in April, 2021, then next year’s election will determine if our census is rendered meaningless. The 2020 election could be our last chance as a nation to stop and reverse all of the damage inflicted on the world by the disgusting Trump regime.


Bingo. This is another Trump attempt that will fail.


Drumpf’s new moniker should be “Joe Coup”.

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The rat fucking continues


Ah, good, if it’s separate it can be killed more easily, which I suspect the Democrat elected president would do immediately on entering office. So, the Trump administration will push hard to get the data, in whatever format, out before Jan 20, 2021, in the hopes that it can be used. That may require Congress or presidential intervention to make it clear that the data are not useful for redistricting, which will probably be the case since the data sources they are trying to mix together may have holes. The Republicans won’t care about that, obviously, they just want to cut the ability of Democrats to win elections, whatever the cost, even if it violates the clear intent of the Constitution and the founders.

If any Republican states try to use this data, there will be lawsuits and odds are they won’t get the chance to shove through maps based on the faulty data. It won’t stop gerrymandering in general though, to do that there needs to be a huge movement by people to vote in 2020 against every Republican possible…it’s time the party was punished for their undemocratic ways and blatant power grabs.


Then get government off our backs and out of our lives.


census bureau professionals are already drafting the statements they will release on Jan 21, 2021, stating that the “citizenship data” is not reliable enough to use as a basis for redistricting, and is useful by state and local governments only as an aid in identifying those areas that state and local governments might target for additional immigrant related services.


So how will this play out with the SCOTUS ruling about the Supreme Court not getting involved with gerrymandering? If one lives in a Trump leaning/Republican state that decides to use the sketchy citizenship “data” that the Census Bureau provides then where is the court fight going to take place?

Because President Dobbs demanded it.

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I’m still waiting for federally-irrigated farming communities to go to war with cities over who GETS to count their illegal immigrants.


OT, but…

“Malefactors Of Great Wealth Endorse Their Candidate”

That entire little video shows they are already setting up the argument that just the mere suggestion that a Dem progressive/liberal is doing well in the polls and could get elected is the reason for the incoming recession…just as I’ve predicted would be the hue and cry of the oligarchy and GOP, taught carefully to its idiot minions through the magic of the subliminal chyron and white nationalist cultural resentment propaganda just like during that video. Watch carefully what the chyron says and how it matches up with their planned screeds.


Unconstitutional as all get out but understandable why Don the Con and the Republicans Cheaters would go along with it. It’s the only way they can win future elections (besides Russian meddling).

In RIP GOP , Stanley…Greenberg shows why the GOP is losing its defining battle. He explores why the 2018 election, when the New America fought back, was no fluke. And he predicts that in 2020 the party of Lincoln will be left to the survivors…


Is there nothing that these assholes won’t do to keep power away from the majority?


It’s not Trump, it’s #MoscowMitch and the oligarchs who wield the GOP like a sock puppet.

If we ever have a Republican president during a census year, they will revive this effort and push it through.


Yes, I heard him on Laurence O’Donnell show last night.

It reminds me of how California went from a purple state to a bright blue state when the GOP went after the Latino community.


It wouldn’t be the GOP without the rat fucking.


You can’t spell ratfucking without GOP…

Which makes as much sense as what we are seeing these days.