Originally published at: Trump Admin Insults Judge In Bid To Hide Evidence That it Flouted Court Order - TPM – Talking Points Memo
DOJ attorneys are trying to bully their way out of a requirement to provide a federal judge with details about whether they violated a court order blocking them from deporting hundreds of people without due process. The Wednesday filing demands that District Judge James Boasberg, who is chief judge of the D.C. District Court, freeze…
“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.” – Edward R. Murrow
Trump voters, this is on YOU!
Can anyone explain why judges aren’t jailing these lawyers when they pull stunts like this. The judges make clear rulings, and Trump’s lawyers insult them insteas. Susan Macdougal spent a year for criminal contempt. One of these shysters and this nonsense would stop.
Must be pretty bad if they’re this crazy to stop it being disclosed in camera. Like, contempt of court bad.
She spent the maximum 18 months in jail for civil contempt for refusing to answer questions to a grand jury. Civil contempt is not subject to presidential pardon. Her criminal conviction was for Whitewater-related fraud, for which she received two years.
The motions read as if Steven Cheung is writing them.
Because jailing anyone for civil contempt is supposed to be a last resort after lesser sanctions have failed to obtain compliance.
Don’t worry, Ensign and his peons are dancing on the razor’s edge of contempt. Boasberg is making his record.
It’s a national security issue. It’s so secret the ice assholes filmed it all and are releasing pics etc.
I hope the judge pounds this bullshit up their ass.
At what point is their being in court but offering no germane response no different from not being in court at all?
Apropos of nothing, what kind of “planes” were these? Regular civilian scheduled flights? Chartered civilian aircraft? Military planes? And what were the conditions on board? Were the deportees shackled to their seats? Were there seats? Were bathroom breaks permitted? Water? Food?
It seems pretty obvious that the frenzy to conceal the dates of departure is an admission of guilt.
providing Boasberg with what he wants: information about when the two planes took off, when they left U.S. airspace, when they landed overseas, how many people were deported solely on the basis of Trump’s invocation of the Alien Enemies Act, and what time people on the planes were transferred out of U.S. custody.
I’m surprised Boasberg isn’t also asking: who was operating the flights; under whose specific authority were the flights conducted; and, most importantly, who TF was being deported on those flights.
In may be just a personal thing with me but … I really want to see Nazi Border Czar Tom Homan behind bars.
My bet is they aren’t half as concerned about violating the court order about when the planes took off, so much as who is on the planes, and whether due process and immigration law was correctly applied.
Would it surprise anyone if there were permanent residents now residing in a El Salvadoran concentration camp? If there are, you can be damn sure the administration knows, and is withholding it.
Civilian charter aircraft. The real-time flight tracking details are already public information, by the way.
Whenever Boasberg gets fed up with the intransigence. This is law, not arithmetic.
Every single attorney signed onto that filing, especially Ensign, should be referred to whichever State Bars they are members of for disciplinary proceedings. Outside of the lack of good-faith in the arguments the effort to avoid or obscure answers to the court’s questions shows a lack of honesty and candor with the court which is sanctionable in any jurisdiction.
I find it deeply offensive to share a profession with those people.
It wouldn’t surprise me if there are naturalized American citizens now residing in an El Salvadoran concentration camp.
Eventually, some federal judge is going to jail one of these clowns for contempt, and it will be thereafter much harder for Blondi and her minions to convince the remaining cannon fodder to step into the breach and torpedo their own careers.
There are only so many parking garage attorney positions open.
He shouldn’t let it go to his head.