Trial Judge Rips Trump Over Attacks On His Daughter

That’s quite the insult to her own father.

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Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) described it as “cotton candy made of piss”.


I have recently stopped saying things like this because, as soon as I do, I’m accused of a number of things, including Doomism.

Let me know when he gets a serious sentence for what he’s accused of. I won’t hold my breath (I don’t look that good in blue).

Had the same problem in 2017 when, for my first day on the project, I was sent to St. Louis on the same day as the eclipse. Had to spend the first day using Uber/Lyft for transportation and could barely find a hotel room.

Fortunately, that only lasted a day, but the experience of seeing the eclipse first-hand at someone else’s expense was priceless.

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You’d think with all the subscribers Josh has gotten (he talks about it daily) he’d be able to do something about Discobot being a nuisance.

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Maybe it’s that as a human I was taught to be polite but discobot is just electrons with no feelings

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It might seem like it’s ripe for short-selling, but the old idiom applies, “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” The stock has horrible financials, it’s figurehead is polarizing which speaks to zero growth prospects, and it’s long-term outlook is shit.

That said, I think it’s not going anywhere but down, but that can be a zig-zagging path downward that’s going to burn a lot of people who try and play off this meme stock.


I remember him doing Bing Crosby and Dave Thomas doing Bob Hope in a parody of “The Road to…” movies inside of a satire of Fantasy Island. Just so trippy and layered. I was only 15 at the time, but I was like, “There’s nothing like this on TV…”


Hey, has anyone seen the NYT report on how Trump rallies are now basically like a cult religion church service? People bow their heads and Trump does some churchy sounding mumbo jumbo about how he is the chosen one. Jim Jones stuff, for real. I heard this on Legal AF tonight.

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And, on no one’s bingo card, the state bar associations appear to be doing a better job of holding their own ilk accountable than the courts are.


It has been nice to see a few of these hack lawyers get the treatment from their respective bars. Eastman especially!

Anybody representing Trump during J6 should be automatically disbarred from the Galactic Bar Assoc., if there happened to be such. Even now, these lawyers who Trump has turned into total charlatans, making them barrage the courts with frivolous motions on false premises - those fallen lawyers should all be disbarred! The ones representing him while he doxes Judge Merchan’s daughter in NY should be jailed with Trump! It’s time for someone to take the fight to Trump. Paging Elliot Ness! @pshah