Total Breakdown: There’s Still No Money For Mass COVID Vaccinations | Talking Points Memo

Guilford County, North Carolina’s positivity rate is ticking up.

As public health chief for the county of 530,000, it’s Iulia Vann’s job to fight it with any tool she has.

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not a single federal dollar has been passed for the purpose of conducting the inoculation campaign itself.

Remind me again what operation warped seed was supposed to do?


“In two weeks. It’ll be amazing!, There’ll be vaccinations the likes of which the world has never seen before!! You won’t believe the beautiful injections!!”


Failed state. We’re the richest failed state in history. The darkest winter approaches.


And the pubbies are waxing fascistically to keep the “fucking moron”™ in office.


Donald Trump demands that he get complete credit for the vaccine(s). Will he equally demand that he get all the blame for the vaccine injections that never were?

I thought not.


Remind me again what operation warped seed was supposed to do?

Give Trump plausible deniability when people accuse him of being genocidally negligent in his handling of a national crisis?


This is what Ossoff and Warnock need to say every day. You want continued gridlock? You want a broken government forever? If not, take the Senate away from McConnell.


Mitch McConnell.

All else superfluous.


Wait! I thought they went to Jared on this.

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Just to name a few…

Canada has a COVID-19 plan and an agreement with pharmaceutic companies.
Mexico has a COVID-19 plan and an agreement with pharmaceutic companies.
United Kingdom has a COVID-19 plan and an agreement with pharmaceutic companies.
Even Argentina has an established plan and an agreement with pharmaceutical companies.

America has ZILCH.

Trump is a monumental failure.

This is Mexico’s plan…


Josh just asked what could the GOP do if they retain the Senate…this - refuse to send any money to States for the vaccine. They will then blame Biden for the deaths. I do hope I am wrong…but we are talking donald republicans.


An entire article and no mention of Mitch McTurtle and the obstructionist and intransigent GOPers in Congress? I hate to be the one to have to say this, but something is missing here. Its not enough to point out the problem that we all know exists. Its another thing to squarely put the onus on the people responsible for letting this shitshow of death and despair continue without any responsibility assigned to them for being fucking heartless and without an ounce of compassion. Without doing that then its basically all for naught.

And its not just the availability of the vaccine to the general public…its the livelihoods, those roofs over people’s heads and making food available for those sinking further into bankruptcy and desperation.

This is not any time for fucking austerity no matter what games these pukes wanna play once Biden gets into office.


Yep. Seemed pretty obvious to me too. Every article where money is needed should have Mitch and the Gang’s intransigence in the headline. Fuck tRump. He’s a goner. This is on the GOP who won’t and haven’t done shit for anyone but themselves.


Press: Partisan bickering and finger-pointing continues as congress fails to …”


The Pfizer-BioNTech briefing material has been released. There is a link to it (and my first-read take-aways) here.


Yeah. McConnell’s put sugar in the gas tank.


‘The numbers are skyrocketing downwards’ - the Rump


CDC doled out around $340 million to the states in funding for vaccine distribution. But that falls far short of the $8.4 billion that state officials say is needed

McConnell is glad to leave that problem to the tax and spend Democrats who he will then blame for the increased deficit despite the courageous efforts of the fiscally responsible Republicans to rein in runaway government spending.

They have already blamed the lack of funding on Pelosi and the Democrats’ giveaway wish list.


Every time I see cable news covering how England has already got its vaccination plans in place and beginning to distribute it based on a system of needs, I feel like I’m being manipulated to feel jealous, angry, confused…because once again America can’t get its shit together to do this thing right. I’m not even sure how I feel about any vaccine approved by this maladministration but why-oh-why can’t they do the most basic things to quell this crisis? Not enough vaccine ordered and now no way to distribute it because the states haven’t got an overall plan to get it to everybody…again its about money the feds just haven’t bothered to help anyone with…