Top Vaccine Official Says He’ll Resign If FDA Caves To Political Pressure | Talking Points Memo

Approved by the EU, Canada, South Korea, or Japan at least, or no dice.


I never thought I’d be a anti-vaxxer…


Yes, that too. Good point.

I didn’t know who he is, a new name to me, so I checked his bio online. There isn’t all that much, but he seems to be the real deal.


I’m guessing the FDA approved TrumpBrand Warped Speed Vaccine / Floor Polish will come from a country just northeast of Ukraine…


You need to multiply your 0.0005 by 100 to make it a percentage, so your % numbers are too low by a factor of 100.

That’s okay. I can’t lawyer.


I think they’re very attuned to the fact that the vaccine, like everything else these days, is becoming politicized, and want to get ahead of that if there is a good, low-risk vaccine that works and can begin halting the spread.



1st thought about “Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, reportedly said on a conference call last week held by the National Institutes of Health that he would resign if an ineffective or unsafe vaccine was pushed through”. So what, damage will have been done. At this point I have zero trust with the administration and big pharma doing anything except $$$$$$$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$$ from a frightened captive public. I’ll await awhile before I take the chance.


Fine have The Turnip’s supporters in line. Me, I wait awhile…

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If you are referring to Marks as the hack, it may just be that the article is unclear about who is behind the smokescreen. It says Marks came up with the Warp Speed name, then refers to the propaganda campaign (as in your quote). But it doesn’t who those officials were. The referenced article does not mention Dr. Marks.


I just got an invitation to join in a study of the Moderna/Brigham and Woman’s vaccine. They sent it to me because I was in another very large study with them, they are looking for 30,000 volunteers. It will require seven clinical visits over two years.
This is why Trump’s election day shouting is ridiculous.
I’m not doing this one; I can give you a link if you want to join.


Might as well write that letter of resignation. Pretty sure that the pressure will be there.

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If the FDA doesn’t cave, the Trumpp admin will bypass it.


In his manic pursuit of another term, Drumpf would allow a million Americans to die from an unproven, unsafe vaccine. Lives are nothing to this cretin. To quote the orange fecal stain, “It is what it is”.


In related news… Trump bars the FDA from regulating coronavirus tests:


I hope he enjoys his family, 'cause he’s clearly going to spend a lot more time with them soon.

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I think trump will talk up a vaccine, “which will be available very soon”, leading up to the election so he can claim victory (again) over COVID. It will be vaporware. Though Jr. and Slenderman may try to sell off any stockpiles of useless pre-ordered stuff. They only need a few million suckers (say 5% of The Base) to make a real “killing”. But I can’t see career experts at CDC, FDA, or NIH standing by while he forces through approval of something untested.

Remember, he doesn’t care about solving problems, other than his own.


Ah yes, but the small number of expected infections is still basically correct. I’ll edit accordingly.


Well, he might as well have already done so because of course the FDA will succumb to pressure. Name one federal agency that hasn’t at this point.


Most rational, careful people are still avoiding activities that put them in close proximity to others, especially strangers and those refusing to practice social distancing and use of PPE. Hence restaurants, airlines, concerts, sporting events and other such businesses suffer lack of customers despite many states giving the greenlight to them opening. It will be no different for vaccines. Once it’s common knowledge a vaccine was rushed into use and bypassed rigorous protocols those same safe, rational people will say “No thank you. I’ll wait for the REAL vaccine when it’s ready.”


You know when your maladministration has a track record, it is the same thing as