Top Republican On Platform Writing Committee Gives The Game Away On Abortion

Ditto SCOTUS members. Thomas has one son from a first marriage.


Correct, and I was more referring about “giving the game away” about Republican intentions. The conservatives on the SC clearly wanted what followed by sending it back to the states, indeed what followed was the point of their decision. That it was not about law per se, but an exercise in power to reshape women’s rights.


silly rabbit… because what we want is all that matters… no need to overthink it.

The Republican Cult Party is coming for women’s health care, contraceptives, equal rights. WHY any woman (or man) would vote for Trump/Vance is beyond my rational thinking process. Women and young voters better show up in 2024. If Trump is elected, his MAGA Zombies will be the first to suffer. He will throw them all under the bus just like Giuliani got squashed. He won’t need them anymore.

But…we are all facing Climate Chaos right now in the present moment. The Republican Cult Party denies Climate Change is happening. Denial is their solution to deal with the greatest ecological threat to face our civilization. To elect Trump is to commit suicide.

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Will someone please tell trump that “Communist” is so 50s.
And he says Joe is old.


My parents were married in 1945, post war practicing RCs. By 1955 there was five of us. What’s with three now being a big family?


I wasn’t talking about the GOP position, I was talking about what it means when Trump says “leave it to the states”. And, legally, that’s what it means, each state makes its own choices about what their abortion laws are.

The GO position is that women should be treated like cattle, forced to carry babies to term regardless of their desires or threats to their lives. They want us to go back to Leave It To Beaver, with the dad working and the wife at home taking care of the kids, happy to be subservient to her husband (and unable to complain if he’s an abusive monster forcing her to have kid after kid).

By the way, did anyone notice the dress Nikki Haley wore last night? The picture I saw showed a flowery frock that fits right in with the “happy housewife” image, not at all with serious politician and former governor. I guess it’s part of the submission to the GOP cult now, women can’t appear to be threatening to the patriarchy.


I don’t get this hairsplitting. Trump says whatever he thinks is most advantageous in the moment. You think he wouldn’t sign Rick Scott’s bill if it passed? The GoP says “states rights” a lot, and then fights tooth and nail to over turn blue state’s state laws.

The GoP also says they “support IVF” even as they push fetal personhood bills that absolutely threaten it. They say they’re not in favor of outlawing contraception, but define several common methods (iuds, the pill) as “abortifaecants” that should be banned.

Why on earth would we take their rhetoric at face value?


No one here is…the question is if they can manage to fool enough people (including women) until after the election. Making the consequences clear is the job of the Democrats…Biden and Harris are constantly saying this, too bad other Democrats are wasting time trying to get rid of Biden instead of focusing on all the bad stuff Republicans want to do.


OK, here is another question. If their god is so all powerful and all seeing, why do I have to produce that soul?? Can he not find a more willing woman who would be glad to gestate that soul? Seems like if he is running things as carefully as they believe he is, he would not even consider having me do that job, when there are so many of his willing followers to choose from.


Their thinking doesn’t go into that detail.

  1. Life = soul
  2. Prevent a life = prevent a soul
  3. God needs souls
  4. Thus: you must not prevent a life

That’s as deep as they need to go to convince themselves that they must fight to the death to stop abortions and contraception. That’s all they need to give themselves permission to assert that Baby Factory is the only job a woman should ever have.

If you’re fighting with them about the specific doctrinal details of which angel used which magical horn to summon which type of weather miracle on which day of the week, then they’ve tricked you into missing the plot. It’s a rabbit hole that has no answer, and even if it did, you’d need a different answer for each of the 641 different stupid flavors of Bible thumper.

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