Top Republican On Platform Writing Committee Gives The Game Away On Abortion

Play it on a loop: “This VP nominee wants to track your daughter’s period.”



That part is always left as an exercise for the reader.

I believe we are supposed to assume that they simply abstain as much as they are able, accepting whatever fate throws their way each time they break their fast.

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“The remarks appear to suggest that the language of the platform would allow for 2024 Republicans to embrace a federal abortion ban, without saying that explicitly.”

Knock me over with a feather.


Ah yes, the Bambino Special, extra large.


JD Vance, Menstrual Surveillance Hawk

… … … … … … … …
my wife’s uterus and ovaries DO NOT BELONG TO J D VANCE
I would add that my wife is very physically fit person. It’s not a good idea, J D, to piss her off.


Their wives fake constant menstruation, avoiding sex with the creepy crawlies…

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." We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

But after we are elected all bets are off.


Gogol once wrote a novel about buying souls. Illustrated absurd very well.


i dunno,darr, i saw on the internets years ago… “all your uterii are belong to us”


Hearing a knock, Brains opens the door to a bearded man just standing in the doorway:


Brains asks who he is, but he doesn’t answer; instead his eyes begin to glow:



This is very much NOT the GoP position. Red states are free to pass whatever draconian laws they choose. But blue states will be bound by what J.D. Vance calls “minimum standards” like Rick Scott’s 15 week abortion ban. There is absolutely no way a republican Congress will let California (spits) and New York (spits again) set reproductive healthcare rules for their own citizens.


What does “liberty” mean? How long will it take the 6 Unjustices to mull that word and issue a fuzzy screed about how it’s hard to tell what the word means. Do the peasants in their 12th century world have access to liberty? Doublespeak doesn’t even begin to capture what these fuckers are doing.

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It’s not the media’s job to make this point. It’s the job of the Democrats. Maybe these past three weeks will finally convince the Dems that the media isn’t their friend? Maybe they will consider how to manipulate the media as relentlessly as the Republicans?

Sometimes politicians have to, you know, aggressively advocate for their interests rather than hoping Rachel Maddow will do it for them. Or they can keep standing around and complaining that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash didn’t do their jobs while the rest of us watch the right to an abortion be banned.

GOP Governor: ‘We Become Totally Unhinged’ If Trump Loses (


It is really hard to get the word out when RW oligarchs own the majority of the TV stations, radio stations and newspapers, not to mention a substantial portion of the social mediaverse. In too many cases, a Democratic viewpoint does not get reported - at all. How much of Biden’s NATO press conference got reported, other than a couple of verbal stumbles? How many people ever got to hear what Hillary planned for comprehensive healthcare (people actuall commented that she had no policy position on that)? How many people know what is in the Inflation Reduction Act or what Biden has done to lower drug costs or eliminate college loan debt?


Just a reminder that the 14th Amendment applies to the entire country, not just state-by-state.

They’re coming for you, people.


And when a Democratic viewpoint does get reported it’s generally in a dismissive way if it’s not outright ridiculed. If it’s not what the maga diner denizens agree with then it’s obviously bad for real america.


Think of the worst possible interpretation for women and that is what it means.


But never school lunches or summer lunch programs for impoverished children or ,for that matter, post birth health care.


It means red states can do whatever they want down to no abortions for any reason ever while blue states have to restrict abortions and women’s reproductive health options down to the standard dictated by a Republican Congress, whatever that ends up being.