Though ex-President Donald Trump’s on a warpath to get Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) kicked out of office, leaders of the GOP governors coalition aren’t particularly interested in helping him take down one of their own.
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts (R), who co-chair the Republican Governors Association (RGA), are planning to rally for Kemp in Georgia ahead of the state’s primary on May 24, per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who co-chairs the RGA’s fundraising arm, is also expected to do the same…
And which of these three Profiles In Weaselry aren’t term-limited from running again…?
This is pretty in your face, Donald. Are you going to take that like a big pansy? You have to hit these guys ten times harder than they’re hitting you! They’re laughing at you! Calling you weak, calling you stupid! Hit 'em hard! You’ve got to show them who’s the alpha ma…
It doesn’t help that Kemp has been steamrolling Perdue in both the pollsand fundraising,
Then why are the “Three Amigos of the Downfall” sashaying over to Georgia to campaign for him? Wouldn’t they be better off spending their time inciting women’s clinic arsonists?
The two governors campaigning for Kemp are both soon to be former governors as both are term limited and therefore not up for reelection and will be out of office in January 2023. As for the former governor, Chris Christie could not get elected dog catcher in his state of New Jersey.
Therefore these guys standing up to Trump and campaigning for Kemp who is almost certain to win is less a profile in courage and a challenge to Trump but rather promotion of their own bests interests.
Is that just since he became a former president? I remember his endorsees losing a bunch during his presidency. Does your marvelous collection of bookmarks contain a fact check?
Georgia has an open primary, meaning Dems can vote in Repub primary. I will be voting for Perdue, hoping to force a run off, and for Raffensperger. His opponent, Hice, is someone I’ve known for years and find scary rigid and more than self righteous. He doesn’t belong in office - or next door.