When did we elect Stephen Miller?
What kind of clearance does Miller have?
When will Congress make those UNELECTED Trump officials like Jarvanka & Miller accountable?
Exactly. What kind of malleable spineless worm must Miller be to still be at the WH? It takes so little for Trump now fall out of love with his best people in various governmental positions, You’d really have to be a sycophantic succubus (incubus?) to hang on as long as he has.
Hope she turns this opportunity into a target on Stephen Miller’s back by publicly shaming him.
He’s up there clustered with Cheatolini and Yertle on my “people I most want to see incarcerated/castrated”…(the latter politically, of course, not actually – although there are days…)
He’s not malleable and he’s not spineless. He’s a hate-filled sociopath who understands precisely, even better than Bannon or Ivanka, how to stoke DJT’s vilest impulses toward performative cruelty.
Did we elect Ivanka or Jared Kushner for that matter? Umm, no. Does that stop any of these people acting on their own without oversight from doing massive damage to our national security or diplomatic relations with other countries, especially our allies. Again, no.
I think they all most likely have full security clearances as the people who decide those things have probably all been replaced since tRump took office in order to enable that shit to happen. If not, tRump is still able to override the gov’t clearance decisions, so it all basically amounts to the same thing.
Unelected people are given full clearances while using backchannel communications on private servers and personal email services that can easily bypass any government oversight. Some version of this information has already been in the news. For all we know, they could all be talking to adversarial foreign powers selling or just giving away America’s nuclear secrets as a quid pro quo and none of us would be the wiser because there is no sheriff in town anymore. Barr was put in charge by tRump fiat to oversee all of DHS along with all intelligence services even though that’s not his fucking job as AG. The CIA will soon all be loaded with tRump loyalists. Its all part of their plan to eliminate the “Deep State” delusion they’ve all sold the tRump cult.
Just think, at one time we Dems thought we had to worry about Bush loyalists burrowing into those agencies to do political damage when Obama took over…Hah.
I’ll assert here that the NSA is reading every e-mail sent or received by everyone in Trump’s orbit, regardless the domain or server. The genuine deep state that does exist is not about to get blindsided by anything truly critical that this crew dreams up.
I hope you’re right but I still have my doubts. Let’s not forget in May of this year tRump gave Barr broad authority to investigate his political enemies.
President Donald Trump granted Attorney General William Barr broad new powers to investigate the origins and conduct of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference and the Trump campaign.
“Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election,” Trump tweeted Thursday night.
The memo also gives Barr unique authority to declassify records from the country’s 16 intelligence agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency — incredibly broad power that usually rests with the president, not the attorney general.
That’s not in an Attorney General’s job description, generally speaking. tRump decided that was his best way to go after his political enemies on his shit list in an extra-judicial manner. That’s what tRump’s personal lawyer’s job description now seems to encompass. It’s a joke that Barr is the AG of the United States. He needs to be impeached too.
There are 12,000 species of annelid worms alone, about 25,000 platyhelminths (flat worms) and 15,000 nematode worms, and all of them are spineless and somewhat malleable. Perhaps you should narrow down your search.
The agreement requires Central American migrants to first seek asylum in Guatemala before they can do so in America.
WTF?!? People are escaping from Guatemala! I read last year that Coca Cola (yes, that Coca Cola) has hired mercenaries to murder and terrorize Guatemalans seeking to organize workers at Coca Cola’s bottling plants in Guatemala. Perhaps we should put a hefty immigration tax on Coca Cola. Enough to help substantially with resettling the people they are running out of their own country.
Also, Coca Cola is draining India’s aquifers to bottle their water. And once an aquifer is drained, it can’t hold water again. Ever.