Chuck Cooper, one of the biggest Republican lawyers in Washington, rejected on Sunday GOP senators’ claim outlined in Sen. Rand Paul’s resolution (R-KY) that holding an impeachment trial for ex-President Donald Trump is unconstitutional because he is no longer in office.
‘rejected … Sen. Rand Paul’s resolution (R-KY)’. Of course. The fuzzy headed ferret was at it again yesterday with his nonsensical BS and blaming everyone ELSE in sight for Donnie’s garbage. It was sickening what a traitor-lover he’s turned out to be.
Chuck Cooper, one of the biggest Republican lawyers in Washington, rejected on Sunday GOP senators’ claim outlined in Sen. Rand Paul’s resolution (R-KY) that holding an impeachment trial for ex-President Donald Trump is unconstitutional because he is no longer in office.
Paul’s libertarianism provides insight into his fascistic leanings.
The fact is that libertarianism has always been a refuge of racism and implicit support for authoritarianism, despite direct contradiction to their supposed ideology. Throughout history, the men who are considered the cornerstone of the right libertarian philosophy supported brutal dictators.
“The proper strategy of libertarians and paleos is a strategy of ‘right-wing populism” Essentially, that means appealing to the racism held within the right of American society (not dissimilar to what we see in Donald Trump).
We can see this again, with strands of white supremacy throughout Ron Paul’s two presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012, perhaps the clearest place where internet libertarianism flourished. Paul was the favoured presidential candidate by libertarians, and if you spent a lot of time on websites such as Reddit in 2012, you almost certainly saw massive amounts of support for him. Of course, while not everyone who supported Ron Paul was a racist, he was surrounded by racists and they had a strong place in his campaign, including future alt-right leader Richard Spencer.
As hinted at by its historical development, libertarianism is particularly appealing to white middle class men. It seems fairly obvious why; this group is perhaps the most privileged in our society, and sees little reason for a change in the societal order in place. Similarly, the alt-right and all levels of far-right politics hold exactly the same goal, though admittedly they aim to achieve them through different means. But when the advantages start to erode, that’s when they are forced to turn to more reactionary, authoritarian ideologies. Immigration is an ideal example for this, since under a libertarian ideology, immigration should not be restricted in any way.
I don’t think I’ve read that Cruz and Hawley are backing this argument, they are lawyers, and Hawley taught constitutional law for awhile. I don’t remember Rand having a JD, or course he could of self certified.
Well last time they did listen, didn’t do squat to reign Trump in, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why they don’t want to deal with him and his toxic behavior now, as opposed to later when he has the freedom to pick them off one or two at a time.
Ron Paul has been seeding Libertarian bullshit through college fraternities for 40 years. I saw it take hold of my nephew who is now early 30s. I think he’s figuring it out, but not sure.
Saw it too when I was in college and that was quite awhile ago.