Arizona Senate President Karen Fann (R) insists that “it was not a mistake” for state GOP senators to hire Cyber Ninjas, whose CEO Doug Logan had regurgitated the “Big Lie” that voter fraud engineered ex-President Donald Trump’s electoral defeat, to lead a supposedly independent audit of the election results in a county where Joe Biden beat Trump.
Top AZ GOPer Dismisses Elex Auditor’s Peddling Of ‘Big Lie’ *
But, of course. A lie is only as good as the number of feckless individuals willing to repeat it, over and over and over again.**
How very Nazi of them.
*The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.
** Attributed to Goebbels but no primary sources: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
Precisely. She might as well have said “it was a lie, and I wish I could spin it as something other than a lie. But there are lies, and then there are lies, and heck - everyone lies and sometimes lies are good lies. So if we are going to go after every lying liar who lies, where will it end? Then all we will have is Democrats, and who wants that? Can’t we all just lie a little, I mean, can’t we all just overlook this lie and all get along? Just because this is all about utter veracity, does lying really disqualify someone? It’s kind just like some big fake news.”
You can never overestimate the level of corruption and stupidity found among state legislators. In the case of Arizona, the Republicans are also facing the end of the line as their electorate dies off and is replaced by people less likely to be hard right wingers.
I’m so old, I remember when a commander of a super carrier, the USS Teddy Roosevelt, was relieved of duty because he wrote a memo trying to convince the Pentagon to let him take action to save the lives of the ship’s crew. Because, “muh freedumb” or some such shite.
I’m not going to say that I know, for certain, that Cyber Ninjas has had extensive conjugal relations with farm animals, and has been doing so for years, but, until there’s a full investigation, how can anyone be certain?