Today’s The Day: Schumer Moves Forward With Vote To End GOP Filibuster Of Voting Rights Legislation | Talking Points Memo

So let’s break the damn Senate! I’m for it.

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Unfortunately, Viking-Americans have become disenfranchised.

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Belief is not science or scientific. Stick with the science if you want to survive.

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That’s not a thing.

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Especially after this, from Heather Cox Richardson’s letter this morning:

After the vote, Republicans lined up on the Senate floor to shake Sinema’s hand, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) assured reporters that concerns about Black voting were misplaced because: “African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.”

Arizona was lied to about this candidate when she ran. She never intended to support a Democrat, never intended to pass any Democratically supported legislation. She’s been revealed for the lying liar she is.

I know we’ve all said here many, many times that she’s what’s keeping Mitch out of the majority. But she hasn’t. We have a majority in name only after her antics of the last six months. Manchin wasn’t quite so obvious (apparently, after the vote, he was just on the phone with someone).

But she’s now in open sight. We see her for exactly who she is. She will be the one that gets the publicity from the media because she’s disrupting the agenda and will continue to do so, at least until next year.

It is now paramount that the only answer is to defeat every single GQP candidate for the Senate in November. Every one of them. This one needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history. When they write her obit in 30 years, it needs to be headlined with ‘the DINO Senator that torpedoed Voting Rights in America’.

That is the only thing I disagree with. What he should be doing in this vein is talking about the GQP in general - keep asking ‘what are they for? what’s their plan?’

If they can keep sowing doubts about the election process, then he can start sowing and continue to sow doubt about the GQP agenda (you know, the one that contains only one idea - obstruction).

He should not mention the former DEFEATED president in any way, shape or form. TFDP needs to be made irrelevant. Biden has a bigger battle to fight - the GQP in general. Keep asking ‘what are they for?’ the same way he did in the presser yesterday.

This is the battle that needs to be fought.

I see where you’re coming from; and that suggestion is #5 because I was thinking hard about it.

First, I don’t mean open every town hall or presser with a litany about Trump. But, if you’re talking about how the PA GOP is ready to use legislative trickery to re-draw districts then frame it correctly–driven by Trump.

To me, there is nothing wrong with that.

You can’t blame Trump for inflation, so don’t try. But when the Supremes toss Roe–these are Trump judges.

I’m sure you follow.

I do follow, but here it is.

I don’t think Biden should run against TFG, even if TFG declares. Biden’s bigger problem is the GQP who think that TFG is right. Those that are in the government as GQP are a much bigger problem. They’re elected and serving NOW. These are the people that are working against the Biden agenda and have never had to defend what they stand for and why they stand for what they stand for. Biden did it right yesterday and I hope he keeps hammering the issue relentlessly - what are they for?

Hell, even in 2020, the GQP ran on nothing other than whatever TFG wants and that never gained traction with the Dems, which was unfortunate. Might’ve gotten us a few more seats in the Senate, had they done so.

I agree with you, for instance, on PA. I hope Biden comes to WI and openly calls out Vos and the legislature for their intransigence.

I don’t want Biden to ever mention TFG because to do so gives TFG relevance. I want TFG out of the picture - if we don’t mention him, but mention the rest of it, we push him off the stage and he HATES that. Keep hammering ‘what are they for?’. It fits on a bumper sticker. It’s short; it’s sweet; and it makes the point.

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Sounds like we’d both mention Trump if it were for context. You maybe a little less so, me slightly more.

But we both aren’t framing the strategy around anti-Trump screeds.

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I had the good luck to see the green flash while in Guadeloupe many years ago. Very cool. The day after my husband and I saw it, the volcano in Montserrat decided to start belching smoke, obscuring the western horizon. :slight_smile:

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I think Trump is the excuse - the cover- for changing the rules to what they wanted anyway. Tom Delay instituted RedMap more than 20 years ago pushing a massive gerrymander through in Texas in mid-decade. North Carolina and Wisconsin gerrymandered their states to super majority Red in 2010. Lots of states started passing voter suppression laws even before SCOTUS overturned preclearance in the Voting Rights Act. Under TDFG they saw their opportunity to put their efforts on steroids. It is going to take a lot of work to turn all that ugliness around. JMO

ETA Spelling corrections.


It was all a Hustle, and it Rocked My Boat, but That’s The Way Uhuh Uhuh I Liked It Uhuh Uhuh. We were all just Stayin’ Alive.

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I don’t know if I’d call her physically ugly, but when she came out as bisexual I think she actually meant bipolar. And not to mock mental illness, it’s a profoundly serious condition, but it has no place in such important roles unless and until brought under control. Pols, cops, soldiers, pilots, busdrivers–those are people you want to be sane and level-headed.

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Good to hear. Definitely going to need allies if putin does decide that this time he’s going for it.

Preach brother. One of the problems is that in the shuffle of elected and staff, this kind of institutional memory gets lost. When someone “rediscovers” it, the bosses dismiss it as more of the same background.

Whereas, at least to me, this kind of history shows similar intent as the slow takeover the Supreme Court. It wasn’t that long ago when moderate lefty Senators were exhorting us into “listening to what Gorsuch had to say” when we already knew he was another shill in the con game.

In a sad confession, with the exceptions of Bork and that woman Dubya nominated, I fell for that line of thinking until Alito came around.

Would that be anything like the belief that a 4th dose will work? Those in Israel promoting the 4th dose really don’t know and admit it. They just figure damn the torpedos we’re sure gonna find out! That said, if you want a 4th, 5th, 6th, dose, spaced a few months apart, go right ahead. It would be cool to find out what happens. You do you. You go first. Deal?

Absolutely not. It either works or it doesn’t. That’s why they have medical trials to determine whether or not a particular treatment works. Belief is never a determining factor. Statistical data and Peer Review are.

"The panel of experts advising the Israeli government on the pandemic recognized that uncertainty, but on Tuesday it recommended giving a fourth dose, concluding that the potential benefits outweighed the risks. It pointed to signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot, and said that any delay in additional doses might prove too late to protect those most at risk.

But some scientists warned that the plan could backfire, because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus. A few members of the government’s advisory panel raised that concern with respect to the elderly, according to a written summary of the discussion obtained by The New York Times."

I’m not a scientist, and I’ll assume you’re not either. They say immune system fatigue is a thing. I’m not qualified to say otherwise but it sounds reasonable. Not to mention there is a decent amount of data that suggests boosters don’t give much protection against omicron.

You’re obsessing over this, not sure why. Just get your booster and be done with it. I’ve had all 3 shots and I’ve never gotten the virus. It’s a lot safer than getting sick. I’ve also gotten several boosters for Tetanus and other diseases. That’s standard procedure for pathogens.

Believing the wrong things can be deadly. Trust your doctors.

Saw this, thought of you guys:

"…Sinema hasn’t simply failed to be a loyal Democrat or hew to some ideological line. She has positively basked in the glow of cratering President Biden’s whole legislative agenda. She’s truly embraced it. If you are a Democratic who is even vaguely focused on politics you know that…

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