Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is grinding into its fourth day.
Ukrainian troops have so far repulsed attacks on Kyiv and other major cities, with Ukrainian and Western officials saying that no major population center has fallen yet to the Russian advance.
Zelensky has to offer Putin terms of surrender–Russian surrender. This is already going south for him. Better to cut his losses and retreat to one of his underground dachas.
Thank you Josh Kovensky, your reporting has been outstanding. And a thank you to so many of the TPM members who’ve both enlightened me and done so much to keep my spirits up since the invasion began.
At $20 billion a day, the Russian people are going to get tired of this folly quickly. Russia can go a long time cut off from the international financial community if it isn’t engaged in a war. The Estonians think maybe two weeks tops at this rate.
Update: the $20 billion figure should read 20 billion rubles. HT # tmulcaire. Revisiting the numbers, $500 million a day probably is more realistic in terms of direct costs. 1% of Russian GDP is $18 billion, and reasonably this will cost several percent of GDP for years to come.
There will be more attacks tonight by Russia against Kyiv, but the mass media exposure of the cruelty of Russia’s campaign, the bravery of the Ukrainians and the high casualties the RU military has taken are making this unsustainable. Zelenskyy has to somehow survive the weekend and then I think the Russians might pull back. Russia has zero control of messaging, an overextended military, and they’ve made heroes and martyrs out of Ukrainians. I just hope Zelenskyy can survive and the UKR gov’t can hold on to Kyiv. In my view, defeating Putin in Kyiv is the pathway for Putin’s removal from power.
This is the guy that the Orange Clown tried to bully. He’s got balls bigger than Trump’s lard ass.
ETA: @JoyceWhiteVance posted something similar @4 hours ago. Honest, I didn’t steal it from her. It’s just that University Law Professors & retired truck drivers think alike
Zelensky is one cool dude! Pretending that Ukraine wasn’t believing Putin would do the invasion, but clearly preparing massively to resist it!! he’s as sly as Joe Biden! Both true heroes of our time.
I think, should Zelenskyy not survive the weekend, the outcome will be far worse for Putin. There’s no good outcome for Putin in this scenario - he’s gone too far and it’s past the point of any kind of return.
The west needs to begin to publicly squeeze Putin’s cronies. Not just freezing assets, but freeze, seize and sell off to the highest non-Kremlin-backed bidder. It only gets real when the oligarchs see the possibility of themselves permanently sliding closer to the peasant class than they planned.