Tim Walz Lo The Boom On JD Vance Over Jan. 6

Some people really have trouble with parallel parking?


Thomas Jefferson was a complex character who was a much better wordsmith than he was a person. Some of his children by a slave, Sally Hemmings, whom he apparently loved, and on whom he sired several children who, though treated better than field slaves, were nonetheless, slaves and therefore his property.

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Heck, even the NFL owners did not want him in their club. He tried to make an offer on the Buffalo Bills years back, and was rejected.

When the NFL owners think you are low class, you are at the bottom of the Marianas Trench looking up.


Of course they did.

And tax cuts will pay for it all!

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The wood is so beautiful and I bet it sounds great!

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“They looked Mexican, don’t they all like beans?”

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I was sure this was a satirical piece lifting quotes from Michelle Obama or something. But, no, it appears to be a real quote from Melanie’s new “book”. So, either her ghost writer hates her and she couldn’t even be bothered to read the galley proofs , or she thinks he’s gonna lose and is trying to swim clear of the wreckage.


Worse - it was Texas settlers who had been granted their land by the Mexican government. The Anglo immigrants decided they did not want to abide by the laws of their host country.

The U.S. Army was not involved in the battle at the Alamo (in 1836) or at Goliad. Texas did not become a state until 1845.

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I liked the way that, since they weren’t going to get that opportunity later, they built anticipatory fact-checks into the questions, and then followed up when candidates (okay, Vance) tried to evade answering. It actually felt like journalism.

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I think this. She’s trying to rehabilitate her image because of her association with him.

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Well, that-- and the ‘MFer is going to prison thing’.

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obviously, the writers at the TO-DAY are impressed by slick.fast talking liars like VANCE; But it is a Florida newspaper so what did yu expect?

ashville is a realatively weathy community,they willl be ok, my grand lives in east tenn., the damage throught out that region is horrendis…it is quite mountainous; every creek and once begnin river bcame raging torrents of water; they are getting to the remote parts by mule-train, carrying desparetely need supplies…even the men on mules have to walk and carry material to stranded people…this is bad enough. but cold weather sets in up there along about the end of october…these are tough, resourceful people, many probably have root cellars fulll of their canned goods. if it didn’t all get carried away by the flo

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I disagree.

Win or lose Vance has made himself the heir apparent to Donald Trump.

What that means exactly, is up in the air. But he will likely take over Trump’s base, at least initially and especially if Trump loses.

Not if Trump blames JD for the loss. Recent history has shown that the trump electoral “power” is not really transferable.

They’re in Virginia (McLean).

(post deleted by author)

Trump will not “blame” Vance for the loss because in Trump will never admit he lost. Furthermore, as it is in his best interests, Vance will go along with Trump that they won. This will make it impossible for Trump to blame Vance because to blame Vance for losing would be an admission he lost.

The more interesting question with Vance and Trump losing will be Vance’s role as a U.S. Senator in certifying the results of the loss versus Mike Pence role as V.P.

Pence presided over certification in the House and refused to go along with Trump. Being a Senator, Vance can sign on to House members objections to state certifications tying up the process. Vance will I believe sign on to the Crazy House Caucus objections on every state Harris wins meaning certification will drag on.

But that Trump and Vance will never admit defeat, protects Vance from any blame from Trump supporters in regard to losing the election.

That is only in the short term. If Kamala wins there is a very good chance that the house flips to democrats and Hakeem Jeffries is speaker of the house on January 6 2025. Withe the revisions to the electoral count act it them is impossible for the crazy r’s to actually launch any objections. once Kamala is sworn in on Jan 20, 2025 Trump will of course still be braying about a stolen election but he will also be looking for scape goats. That list will include Vance, RINOs, Jews, Supposedly corrupt state officials, Foreign Interference etc. The one thing MAGA has shown over the years is that Trump is the lodestar and they have never extended any loyalty or grace to anyone trump has turned on. Add to that the post election coverage all across the media about how Vance was a drag on the ticket, that was “winning” until he was selected and i do not think that there is any scenario where trump does not turn on him. And JD’s senate seat does not give JD enough power to really effect certification and when Kamala is certified (by herself i might add) that will be another thing trump blames JD for. And once MAGA is over him, he is toast in electoral politics. (MAGA turned on mike pence like a mother fucker so i have precedent to back my hypothesis)

Sorry i meant to post this as a reply