What goes around often comes around. And in the case of a former Trump campaign staffer who sued to free herself from its non-disclosure agreement, what is coming around is a provision in the NDA that could require the President’s campaign to pay her nearly $165,00 in attorneys fees.
It’s not a question of whether legally someone can break the NDAs, that is a forgone conclusion as it is ILLEGAL to force a government employee to enter into what amounts to a PRIVATE LEGAL CONTRACT as a prerequisite of government employment.
The real question is; will anyone DARE to do so in the face of the weight of the entire DOJ apparatus being brought to bear upon them as punishment by Bill Barr legally and most importantly, FINANCIALLY?
We need some BILLIONAIRE to stop squandering their millions in VANITY CAMPAIGNS and step up with LEGAL FUNDS to help whistleblowers expose this Criminal Enterprise from within, and pay for the legal bills of anyone brave enough to do it.
Is this a real tweet, or are you amplifying genuinely ‘fake’ news? If it is not real, please let us know, or delete it. Our society needs truth, and playing the Republicans’ game of there is no truth, which is dangerous to an open society such as ours.
Generating fake but silly news can be cathartic after a day of terrible real news from the occupant and people around him. TPM is a web-based political journalism website where commentary silly and serious is welcome.