This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
Trump’s base never supported law enforcement; they simply used them.
Once they’d served their purpose in the greater cause of President Marshall Applewhite’s personal vanity, the cult tossed them aside, like so many empty beer cans.
Same for their contempt of the military. Or elections. Or any Republican who questioned Trump.
You didn’t need to see them beat Officer Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher to know their cause was never anything but hate.
It’s worth mentioning again, that the Capitol Police on the scene were hung out to dry. Anger at their leadership is warranted. But there are plenty of videos of the Capitol Police being overrun, fighting a losing battle.
Very sorry your brother got murdered by insurrectionists who arose spontaneously and without support or encouragement from any known entity. Just part of <waves around generally> the climate. I hope the murderer pays an appropriate price.
I’m having trouble thinking of a politician who has fallen anywhere nearly as hard or fast as Trump has in these last three days. A week ago, we all assumed he would have a post Presidential career milking conspiracy theories and being the hero of right-wing media. He might never hold an elected office again, but he would get paid well enough for continuing to sow chaos and division for years to come.
That’s what I assumed last week. Now, I’m pretty sure none of that will happen.
Since Wednesday, Trump has incited a riot that led to the deaths of five people including one of his more rabid supporters and a cop, admitted he lost the elections (something both he and his supporters swore he would never do) and denounced the very riot he, himself, started. He has betrayed his loyal supporters in the worst possible way and they all know it!
Trump won’t recover from this. He’ll likely go to jail and never really be heard from again. What’s more, his entire family fortune might be lost in all of the legal battles that will inevitably follow. Right wing media has also suffered a huge loss from all of this, as have most of the Trump loyalists in Congress.
Condolences to the family. Mr. Sicknick seems like a good man.
But you can’t both ask not to politicize his death, and claim the “political climate” caused his death. Asking to do so is a way of excusing oneself from saying the harsh, specific truth: it wasn’t a generalized “climate” but a radical and violent right-wing racist political faction that murdered him. Not to pick on the family. But we have seen, are seeing, and will continue to see in the media and from private citizens such moves to blur out and deny the heart of the uncomfortable truth: the United States of America as a constitutional polity under the rule of law is under attack by a violent right-wing white nationalist movement, led now by the current President, and assisted and enabled by most of the Republican party. It’s been going on and getting worse for decades, and still this impulse to hide from it or normalize it or false-equivalency it or soft-focus it endures. We’ll die of it if we can’t face it and tell ourselves the truth.
Those thugs were simply parroting the behavior of their God, their idol Donald Trump! They only care about the welfare of anyone only as long as they are useful to them and only as long as they condone their unlawful or violent behavior.
Unfortunately so many members of law enforcement wholeheartedly threw their support behind a mad man like Trump all because he exploited the unrest over racial injustice, praising them. Police unions endorsed Trump, though they could have chosen to not openly endorse either candidate and despite Joe Biden indicating that he did not support defunding the police. In his statement, Trump said nothing at all about the police but instead said he loved the thugs, one or more of whom killed this young officer who is leaving behind a wife and children!