‘This Is War’: Inside The Secret Chat Where Far-Right Extremists Devised Their Post-Capitol Plans

This article was originally published in ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1357298

“ . . . this is a MILITIA group to defend our country from communism . . . “

Violent fascism, however, is quite OK with these folks. Interesting to understand how these folks want to defend “America” by overthrowing our Constitutional government. Because, of course, they have greater purity and know better than the founders, or the rest of us.


They can just barely read the menu at BoJangles, None of these geniuses have ever read the Constitution, much less the letters and documents that reveal the thoughts of the founders who wrote the thing. Homeschooling by illiterate parents does not do much for the education of their spawn. Madison Cawthorne is a prime example…he learned a lot of Fundie religion, and Republican hatred in his mom’s kitchen.


Who knew the occupants of the maternal basements of Murika could be so excitable, yet clueless?


Of course a fair number of these people are mentally ill in some way. They’ll kill others just as dead.


In an Instagram post from last year, tagged “#ChristEnergy,” Lang set goals for himself to memorize the Hebrew alphabet and stay kosher.

“The plan for now is to Martin Luther king style March on 17th and 20th, exercising our Rights (that means armed),”

I believe the operative phrase here is: not clear on the concept.


Not once have I heard or read what type of government they plan on replacing our current form government with.
Could it be their form of government is just to kill anyone they disagree with?


“A woman just died in this video being trampled by DC police because we aren’t organized as patriots,” Lang posted on Jan. 10, an apparent reference to Rosanne Boyland, who died in a stampede at the Capitol. “This was my carnal cry for the real men to step up and help.”

Ok, rule 54 and all that, but that’s one weird fetish.

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One with them in charge, of course. That’s the only important part.


OK, so this is hilariously incoherent, but aren’t private armies illegal? Why are we even allowing ad-hoc “militia” groups free rein?

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The SturmabteilungFeral Trump supporters, still upset about the Treaty of Versailleselection fraud, vowed to continue resistance to the Weimar Republicconstitutional government of the United States. Calling themselves fascistspatriots, they formed loose associations of malcontents where they assured each other how manly they were and how badly they were being oppressed by not being allowed a second helping of dessert.

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I’ve read that a fair number of these “patriots” are former addicts of one kind or another, who are just replacing one type of addiction for another. It would be kind of said if it weren’t so dangerous.


one member, who went by the username Tony Bologna

Too good to be true.


What’s clear is we already know where all this is leading: Timothy McVeigh already did it.

Tell these idiots, especially Cruz, McCarthy, Hawley, Paul, even Trump that this is the direction we’re heading if they don’t step up. These people either have to own it, and say what McVeigh said is OK, or put a stop to the hatred and lies. They have to choose.

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Why do they have to? They’ve been getting money, power and attention by their sanctimonious lies. And I think many/most of them are just fine with other people dying.

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AOC had a few words for Cruz:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez



I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out. Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign.


Remember to use an end-to-end encryption platform, use an anonomized login handle and THEN post selfies of yourself standing in front of the Capitol building on 1-6-2021.

This is why those leftys can’t run an enduringly coherent conspiracy campaign. They just can’t put all the pieces together.


“GENERAL JAKE​:smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp: Your soldiers are reporting for duty.”

These guys. Can’t somebody buy them an Xbox or something?