But these attacks are against Democrats. So it’s perfectly fine… [/s]
You know - good people on both sides??
But these attacks are against Democrats. So it’s perfectly fine… [/s]
You know - good people on both sides??
My neighborhood is so blue, the screen doors slam in minor key.
My neighborhood is so blue, the screen doors slam in minor key.
We moved to this neighborhood about 5 years ago and went out to canvass for Clinton in 2016 – not many Democrats on the street to talk to at that time. It was very uncomfortable at some houses and we wondered what we were thinking by choosing this development. Our next door neighbor had a Hillary bumper sticker but she moved away and mostly everyone else just avoids the subject altogether anymore to keep the peace.
I just liked the house.
I vaguely remember that the wolves stocked themselves back in the 60’s when, before global warming reached current levels, Lake Superior froze over in winter. I suppose now they have to be brought in by boat.
Harvard and MIT researchers are developing a face mask that lights up when it…
Sensors produce a fluorescent light when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes into the mask
Will it be the light that Dump thinks can defeat the virus?
It has become obvious that plan B for any Republican attempt to usurp power has become “let the courts decide”. I do not remember this level of litigation over every single action in government in my 48 years as an adult. This is why Mitch is stacking the courts so frenetically. He knows they can no longer win in any kind of fair election, so they will now engineer all failed attempts at overturning democracy to the courts. Mitch’s lifelong battle to allow unlimited money into politics was stymied several times until he finally got his wish in Citizens United.
When America is a smoldering ruin of a country, there will be lawyers battling over the ashes. We have become insanely dysfunctional, and the courts have transformed from an institution that resolves issues into one that is creating them. This is one of the primary reasons I believe we are totally screwed. No matter who gets elected or what they try to do for the good, the Republicans will be taking it to the courts. Just check out the incomprehensible shenanigans that have gone on in the courts around the ACA.
Or any of the bat houses that people have put up over the years.
Oy. A member of my HOA board fell in love with the idea of bat houses for mosquito control. The rest of the board got tired of hearing about it and said OK. Bat poop ensued, then a nutcase owner threatened to sue because rabies. The board got tired of hearing about it. End of the frikkin’ bat houses.
Great pic!
Actually, in recent years the Great Lakes have frozen over almost completely a couple of times – in 2014 there was almost a record freeze – the following year same thing. And the north shore of Superior most always freezes.
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) - For the second consecutive winter, bitter weather threatens to turn the surface of the Great Lakes into a vast frozen plain.
And here’s the story about the wolf that scarpered off Isle Royale over the icepack (2019):
The good news is solid ice formed between Isle Royale and the North Shore of Lake Superior, opening up a route for new wolves to walk out to the big island. The bad news is, so far, the only wolf to make the trip has gone the other way -- back to...