So instead of going after Gov/ DeWine they went after the female Health Director Dr. Amy Acton in the most vile way possible.
I realize that each state is different slightly or bigly, but the Governor is the executive in charge. The buck stops with him, not her.
On anther note we are seeing in real time the fracture of a Republican goal to shrink the federal government, empower local authority to govern with more power, and where it has all gone to hell in handbasket.
And side side note. Last week Governor Asa Hutchinson was interviewed on several news programs. He came across as southern polite, competent, and reasonable. But my observation of why his state has, as of now, been lightly touched by this pandemic is that their large cities Little Rock=198,000, Fort Smith=87,000, and Fayetteville=84,000 are teeny tiny. Who the hell has traveled there from China or Europe? I’ve just been paying attention to news that shows the US map with the color coding for state and number of cases. Arkansas’s color hasn’t changed since they started.
And just to cross the Ts here, it wasn’t even ideological and it wasn’t greed or power lust. It worse. It was laziness, disorganization, and mental illness. It was one person named Donald Trump whose first impulse was to deny there was or could possibly be a problem because he thought it would make him look bad and he thought it would just go away if he didn’t look at it. Eventually more people compounded the problem but the guy who drove us off the cliff was Trump.
Well, the population along that coastline is almost zero anyway, so no motivation for Canada to do anything like that (smile).
Also: Isle Royale is a wolf preserve – they allow very few visitors each year, and if you get a permit to visit, you have to abide by very strict rules that are designed to aim for zero impact on the fragile ecosystem there. For example, if you want to stay on the island you have to pack everything in and out (no refuse), you have to overnight in the cabins which they built for that purpose (no pitching tents), etc.
Unfortunately, the burgeoning wolf population was recently decimated due to some kind of sickness, which was a severe blow. Last I heard there was only one left, so they are going to have to restock. Not sure when they last needed to bring in fresh blood, but I do remember hearing that they were able to track when a wolf would cross the winter ice to the Canadian shore.
Isle Royale is really a treasure, and we are so lucky to have it!
Sorry. I’m grumpy. Still need more coffee. Didn’t sleep well last night. Was up until 3:30 watching instructional videos on weaving while the thunderboomers were going on outside and my dog was hiding under the bed. I know, those videos sound like watching paint dry, but some of them are really quite interesting and its my newest passion.
Said it before, I’ve read about weak responses to crises, misguided ones, fighting the last war, a divided society not being up to the demands of the moment, on and on. But I honestly can’t recall an instance where the national government literally did nothing in the face of an urgent national crisis and eventually told the states or provinces it was their collective problem. As far as I know that’s unheard-of.
Well now that you bring up an animal and protection, I wonder how long until some yahoo goes after bats in this country? I’m thinking of the Congress Bridge Bat colony in Austin. Or any of the bat houses that people have put up over the years.
I hope you’re right. No one accused our justices of being activist judges, but you know darned well had it gone the other way, the accusations would have flown long and high.
Niece and family in Houghton, brother and wife in Ishpeming.
Everybody plays ice hockey. Niece’s girls were outfitted with helmets, skates and sticks as soon as they could walk. Their team jerseys usually reach down to their ankles at that age. It’s a hoot.
The same is true for Wisconsin - the majority supported the governor and some counties are taking matters into their own hands and issuing temporary orders to maintain the closures.
Are bills being presented to the Michigan legislature to get them to vote on what to do, or what powers the governor has in the present situation?
Not sure exactly what specifically is happening right now. BFF is a member of League of Women Voters in southeast Michigan and heavily involved in all sorts of stuff. We FaceTime every couple of weeks and I get caught up on the political action front – this reminds we’re due for another one. Once she fills me in, I’ll try to remember to get back to you.
Why does the legislature have standing to file this lawsuit? As state employees, aren’t they exempt from the executive order? Aren’t they free to legislate a remedy to the executive order if they don’t approve?