I posted this here yesterday and one of the points he highlighted is how few people Chump has available. He has no press operation anymore and no war-room for impeachment. He is winging it, and those who are still around feel like they could be hit with crimes too
This is the part of the war when everyone is cutting the SS emblems off their uniforms and working on their story about how they were secretly working for the resistance.
Terrific catch!
I caught that, too! And note the VERY precise wording of that entire response. Almost like he wanted to be able to point to that specific text in the future and say “nothing to see here, folks”…
And the toilet paper roll spins faster as you get toward the end?
Well, there it is. That settles it. Everyone knows that Trump is a man of his word.
Ron Johnson is infinitely more stupid than I gave him credit for. Why on earth did Wisconsonians vote for this gelatinous, bullshitting old mofo?
ETA, Sondland, of course told Taylor that there was no quid pro quo, but apparently told Ron Johnson that there was. Tangled webs, etc.
In fact, the NYT story reports that Sondland spoke to Trump himself within the timeframe of those 5 hours.
Sondland is testifying on October 8. Does anyone know if and when Bill Taylor is scheduled for?
@bailiwick Fortunately for us, this is a case where the facts speak much more clearly to the American public than many of the process points Republicans are fixated on.
But nobody died…
OK but people die all the time… Good people… Both sides…
I just heard that after initially advising against a “war-room”, Kushner is going to head one up for Trump.
The guy who recommended firing James Comey, which launched the Mueller probe. That guy. Trump should reserve a room at Club Fed now, while there still some choice rooms available.
They’d do better having him be the coffee boy for some professionals. But, for my part, this is great news.
Trump’s fate is sealed. Loyalty, of course, for Trump always supersedes competence. It’s why he’ll lose eventually. It’s not a matter of whether he goes, just when.
Looks like Jared gets to keep working on prison reform after all!
At first glance I could have sworn
he’s quite flatulent in Latin…
In Dotard no Veritas…
Game over, man! Game over.
Live Updates Trump admits that House Democrats have the votes to impeach him
Hooo Boy!!
trump admits reality for once!
Well, if they didn’t last Friday, they certainly do now plus Amash for good measure and perhaps a few surprise, Republican, mystery guest votes.
And after this admission there is only one thing left to say…