Ex-President Donald Trump’s company is reportedly dealing with yet another criminal probe.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1391399
Ex-President Donald Trump’s company is reportedly dealing with yet another criminal probe.
Ossining. As in Sing Sing.
Each and every one of Donnie’s instincts is criminal and self-serving. He is a waste of human flesh.
It seems the Trump Organization’s business practices might not have been entirely consistent with the best legal and ethical standards.
Deripaska’s Raids.
Bannon’s Contempt.
Trump’s Lawsuit being assigned to an unsympathetic judge.
Another Republican Congress Criter Indicted.
More Criminal Probes of Donnie’s businesses.
I know I’m forgetting a bunch of stuff… this has been an awesome week. And it’s only Wednesday.
Don’t stop now boys (and girls)!
Trump was always criming at Warp Speed…we’ll never keep up…but the More the Merrier…
Much of this sounds minor compared with other Trump business malefactions, such as lying about planning a Trump hotel in Russia during the 2016 campaign. He said it wasn’t going on, but it was. The Repubs and Trumpers will just say “everybody does it,” when they learn (if they do) about paying a person with a limo instead of salary in order to avoid taxes. Sure, it’s illegal, and, sure, if it came out during the election it would be important to get out, but the bigger picture about how Trump stole the 2016 nomination by hiding information about paying off pornstars or lying about business dealings in Russia is far more important.
Luckily for Trump, he will have all that yummy money from his suckers to pay his legal bills as long as he does not declare his 2024 candidacy.
Best wishes that TFG gets to play golf there. Some say that the community golf clubs are all bent.
It’s just down the road from Sing Sing. I grew up just north of there. There’s also this park that he donated.
No more Mulligans for TFG
Not according to the Fourth Column.
I have heard that the Dems are in Disarray. So, I’m totally bummed about that. Oddly, there are few headlines today reading “Dems in Disarray; Republicans under Indictment.” Weird, huh?
(Did you intentionally mix “Fifth Column” with “Fourth Estate”? That’s hilarious; I love it. Subtle, and delightful.)
I must admit.
Exactly what I was thinking! And which one of those figures claimed he wasn’t a puppet!!
Elsewhere in criminality.
You know, it seems like there’s some sort of politically motivated witch hunt going on here… OR, I submit to you, dear reader, that when you start looking at this organization, and pulling on one little string, all the other crimes are so close to the surface that it just becomes one big writhing worm-ball of crime and the investigation just grows and grows organically. To stop it because it looks bad would amount to gross negligence on the state’s part. The trump org looks bad because it IS bad.