A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
No heroes. No good guys. No redeeming characters.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1444166
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
No heroes. No good guys. No redeeming characters.
Obligatory DUmb-ass cat Pic. EnJoY libtarD loSerS.
The sad part of MM is that, except for the Jack Smith response, most of us here already had this information.
Sadder still will be if the House refuses to convene today and we go through the day without additional humiliation of McCarthy.
Tomorrow, the 6th, just might prove interesting.
Third. Can we not have any discussion today about Dems helping McCarthy get elected or Hakeem Jeffries being elected?
FourTH. Can wE digeST thiS?
LeT’s taLK about this: DeMs follOW the leaD of who the Freedom caucus votes for and make them speaker. Hilarity ensuEs.
What, you’re not into fantasy-wanks?
Q. How many Kevin McCarthy’s does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. None. Kevin gets screwed in the House.
You are correct. I’m not.
🚨 BREAKING IN @PunchbowlNews PM:@club4growth has cut a major deal with McCarthy-aligned @CLFSuperPAC that paves the way for CLUB to support MCCARTHY
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) January 5, 2023
CLF will stop spending in safe open-seat primaries.
This is a BIG gripe of the KM opposition. https://t.co/HemtXYiAKw
I know this came up last night, but I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that they can solve the problem of who will become the SoH by protecting incumbents. Not a policy issue–a “you’ll get even with me by making it more difficult for me to get re-elected” issue.
This will solve the problem? Really?
Sadly, I just don’t think there’ll be any other news coverage today, even if the House assembles and votes immediately to adjourn like they did last night. Human nature can’t avoid the speculative process in this case.
I’d like to talk about something else but, unfortunately, this is the horse race the media loves to badger us with.
“Committees can’t form. Oversight can’t happen.”
Not a bad thing considering what we already know about House GOPs’ agenda. Nancy, Chuck and Mitch got the important stuff done before this shitshow started.
2nd only to cat with his head stuck inside haagen-dazz container.
This is a preview of the dysfunction we will see later this year when Repubs will insist on cuts to Social Security and Medicare in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. Talk about a fundamental disconnect between right-wing constituents cheering their heroes now only for these same heroes to seek to reduce their constituents’ benefits checks later!
This guys is a truly compulsive liar, he just can’t help it.
Perhaps the best way to think about it is: The Freedom Caucus wants to do to McCarthy what McCarthy and the GOP conference want to do to Biden. There’s no compelling protagonist here. Just a pack of antagonists looking to do damage.
Absolutely. And screw any narrative (I saw a few yesterday) that paints McQ as a poor sympathetic figure being wronged by the “rebels” in his party. Fuck. That. This is the type of destruction Qevin has defended his entire career. He just never expected it to happen to him.
Can’t wait for the pearl-clutching over Sotomayor commenting on the Court despite the fact that the SCOTUS cons have been doing the same and worse for years.
The response from Donalds perfectly captures the violent nature of their stupid-ass party.
I saw that last night and my thought was: This is the kind of shit they are talking about to come to an agreement on who will be the Speaker of the “People’s House”? Not sure why that should be a surprise to me. The House GOPs’ stated agenda can be summarized as Campaign 2024.
January 6. House R members in disarray. Full Moon. What could possibly go right?
How much of the essential work of The House was done last week in anticipation of this possible clusterfuck? Or to ask in a slightly different way–besides the lack of constituent services–how soon will the lack of a working House have destructive results?
The US debt ceiling needs to be raised again before the end of september. Until then, the GOP House can go fuck itself. And so far, they are.