The Xenophobic Conspiracy Theories Behind The Great Replacement Theory

And just a bit of historical context - the word “power” had a rather literal resonance at the time. Before FDR, and things like the TVA and the Rural Electrification Project, unregulated for-profit electrical companies in this country generally considered that it wasn’t worth their while to run service to rural areas. Farmers didn’t use, and wouldn’t pay for, electricity.

Fly over most of the United States now at dusk, and what do you see? Lights winking on at farms from horizon to horizon. Farm families could use electricity to save labor, work better, allow the women some respite from the grind of washing and cleaning and grinding things by hand. Not worth the while of the complacent fat cats in the big electrical monopolies until they were forced to do it – and then, surprise, it turned out to be a sustainable, even lucrative, market.

Yeah, remind me again why FDR was “anti-business”?