The Xenophobic Conspiracy Theories Behind The Great Replacement Theory

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Not all Asians nor Africans nor South Americans yearn to be ignorant trailer-dwellers whose only dignity comes from imagining brown and yellow people to be somehow inferior.


Tomorrow, 3-17, is proof positive that we will never get the Irish to fully assimilate.
(Ben Franklin referred to the Irish as “swarthy”.)


I had breakfast with a 20+ year friend (he’s 73) yesterday. He was always a buttoned-up “middle-of-the road” Republican.

Not any more. Full MAGA now.

Yesterday’s topics brought up by him:

  1. The economy, not abortion, will be the biggest issue for the 2024 general election.
  2. The “savages” coming from the southern border are here for our jobs and will bring “lots of crime.”
  3. Trump is innocent and we should “just move on.”
  4. He plans to get his MAGA baseball cap out of mothballs and wear it proudly this summer, leading up to the election.
  5. He said Trump’s 2019 economy was much better than the current Biden economy.
  6. “Can you believe the high prices of eggs, milk and bread?”

I calmly countered each statement with the facts and he wouldn’t even respond.

I won’t be calling him for a breakfast date until after the general election.


I must admit I do worry about Venezuelan immigration. Many of them, especially the men and the significant number of evangelicals among them, are likely to end up as solidly a pro-fascist voting bloc as the Cubans are.


No one wants to replace any ignorant racist who has sunk to the lowest defaults of society. They are the rubble that future civilizations will build over.


Wypipo are an Ice Age artifact. They are on the way out and they, at some level, know this.


It’s only replacement if we can ship you elsewhere. Otherwise it’s just a slight dilution.


All these scared male Wypipo maybe should have thought of the damage they would bring once they set out upon the seas in their sailing ships to concur new lands? Or to import 12 million black slaves to the New World. And then breed the stock that was here when importing more of the dark hued workers was banned.
The French and the English were in an empire building race. Who can subject/subdue foreign lands and people faster. You brought them Wypipo diseases, knowledge, Wypipo religion, and what did these Europeans get in return? Money and power. Maybe Wupipo shouldn’t have taught those whose skin was darker how to throw a ball,r catch a ball, or do all kinds of things with balls in the sports arena?
And don’t let me start on where their professed religion started.


White fragility is really pathetic.


“In the U.K. and the U.S., close to one-third of those polled believe that white people are systematically being replaced by nonwhite immigrants”

Why should white people immigrate here?

Ireland has free choice for women.


Same here in TX, they are good people with blinders on when it comes to politics.


In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, an Italian poet and supporter of Benito Mussolini, argued that war and fascism were the only cure for the world. Fascism, then and now, worked to ensure white dominance.

In 1909 the white establishment here didn’t consider Italians white.



In 2016, when Trump was running for President, membership at Mar-a-Lago was $100,000. Today, membership is $200,000.

Of course, today you do get access to classified documents and state secrets.


Cuban-Americans lean Republican for a variety of reasons, but they’re not a solid voting block. From Pew research in 2020 – “58% of Cuban registered voters say they affiliate with or lean toward the Republican Party, while 38% identify with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic.” Many Cuban-Americans vote Democratic, just not enough of them.

Calling them fascists doesn’t quite hit the mark either. There is an attraction to strong leaders as part of the culture, especially for males, but authoritarianism isn’t inherently fascist. They do respond negatively to efforts to open up relations with Cuba. That’s a Democratic party goal, but the anti-Communist Cuba sentiment is more from the older generation these days, and they won’t be around forever.

The DNC can make inroads in Cuban-American support if they tailor our messaging to counter the R messaging that all Dems are “socialists.”


Curiously, the Ice Age artifact people create a hotter environment that selects against Ice Age artifact people.


My belief from where I am from and what I have seen and experienced.
Once again if you think I am full of crap, say so.
When there is a certain group of folks in charge for years and have passed on their power from one generation to another they get lazy and think it is their right to be in charge in when they are stupid.
When someone or a group of the underclass starts to move in the panic sets in.
Since they are stupid and lazy their only answer is the great replacement theory.


Caption of the photo at the top of the article:

UNITED STATES - JANUARY 19: Members of the Patriot Front, a White nationalist group, are seen on the National Mall near the staging area of the March for Life anti-abortion demonstration, on Friday, January 19, 2024.

So we have Nazis, the party of death, at the March for Life. A perfect encapsulation of how words have lost their meaning.


And before then, the Irish. As @geographyjones pointed out. There’s always someone who’s The Other. Usually lots of someones.

As an aside, it’s curious how the term “WASP” seems to have mostly vanished from the discourse.


Would you believe caudillismo?

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