It was late at night on Dec. 18, 2020, and White House officials could hear screaming coming from inside the Oval Office.
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It was late at night on Dec. 18, 2020, and White House officials could hear screaming coming from inside the Oval Office.
The new guy was Byrne, the CEO who later wrote a blog post about the meeting and the “bottle cap-sized Swedish meatballs” that he and Trump shared during the meeting.
Thank God almighty those weren’t Schweddy meatballs they shared at that meeting!
I’m sure that Herschmann is a right bastard of a Republican, but damn I like his style.
How messed up is it that Herschmann and Cipollone were the “good guys” that stopped the Looney crew from executing their insane plan to seize the voting machines?
“Special Counsel” Kraken Lady, yeah. At an earlier hearing, her “evidence” that the vote counts were “fraudulent” was that Trump hadn’t won. “It’s OBVIOUS!!”
One hopes she didn’t get her paws on any actual classified information, with her newly-awarded “security clearance.”
This is what you get when you vote for the “American Carnage” guy.
Powell told the Jan. 6 committee through swigs of Diet Dr. Pepper that she and her entourage – including Flynn, a former general advocating for military intervention to keep Trump in power
Powell is a rude brand of toxic Texas arrogance and over the top tacky ignorant ugly. That’s this shit stain tarnished the White House with her presence pisses me off.
Just settling in after work and catching up, bout to tune in to a rerun of the hearing and wha?? Patty Onions bringing the tears? Don’t say. Welp. I’m goin’ in.
Good times, here…
Yes! You get a quintessential cluster fuck, which this meeting epitomizes. But then, that characterizes the entire Trump administration, all four years of it.
A guy who couldn’t get his car to the site of the carnage?
One of my favs: “Why the fuck do you keep standing up and screaming at me?” he shouted at the former general. “If you want to come over here, come over here. If not, sit your ass down.”
The other is testimony on how Rudy was escorted from the grounds so he wouldn’t wander around and re-enter the W.H.
This is just too juicy; perhaps SNL will come off summer hiatus and do a PRIME TIME special: Rudy wandering around…;…;… and the rest of the Trump shit-showdown.
I’ve read accounts of this clusterfuck of a meeting before, but it seems like it gets creepier and creepier every time I do.
Can we please stop calling a group of groveling sycophants “Team Sane”? Clearly all they’re interested in is papering over their crimes and play acting like the adults in the room. But none of them quit. None of them came forward like Hutchinson did. None of them did shit. Let’s call them Team CYA. Because that’s all they’re doing.
Bonkers beyond belief. These clowns were in the Oval Office. Think about that. Nest thermostats? Yeah.
I’ll never look at my Nest thermostat the same way again without thinking about Israeli space lasers and Italian servers spying on me. Or worse. Whatever.
I can picture the SNL skit now, and just laughed out loud at an Atlanta Airport restaurant. Another one of those like Palin where they could use the transcript verbatim, and let it rip. No new writing necessary.
It’s that last sentence that stays with me after watching the entire mindblowing hearing: Trump whining to the assorted subrock dwellers about how the hard-right Republicans whom he chose to advise him and represent him were always getting in the way of his excellent plans. I include not only Cipillone and Hershmann in this latter company, but also Jeffrey Rosen, and certainly Bill Barr. After they enabled and defended Trump through four years and two impeachments. After they stonewalled investigations, and misrepresented their conclusions. After they propounded ridiculous claims of presidential immunity and executive privilege. At that moment— Trump inviting the deranged Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn to join him in disparaging Cipillone—it became clear what all that loyalty counted for. And yet like Mike Pence, they can’t quite seem to blame Trump. Even now, it seems they are more offended by the tacky ambulance chasers, brazen brand-enhancers, and upstart oil spill lawyers who tried to usurp their positions of proximity to power than by the man for whom they sacrificed their credibility and reputations— the man who rewarded them with his taunts.