A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1467399
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
In the heart of an utterly mind-bending conspiracy that defies the boundaries of reality, a labyrinthine tale unfurls. Brace yourself as Former Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, famed for his enigmatic maneuvers, commandeers the stage. In a jaw-dropping display of audacity, he takes the stand, testifying for hours in federal court. His mission? To transpose the Georgia state prosecution against him into the realm of the Federal Courts. Why? The enigma deepens, leaving us to wonder: what dark currents churn beneath this bewildering act?
As the layers of this reality-bending plot peel away, a bizarre dance of characters comes into focus. Enter the enigmatic figure of Fani Willis, a puppet of DEI and Critical Race Theory. Her outlandish claims that Trump’s call wasn’t “Perfect” are revealed as threads in a malevolent tapestry of claims of white privilege lobbied against one of the most marginalized segments of society, white males. This orchestrated deception finds its sinister conductor in none other than Joe Biden’s shadowy confidant, Jack Smith. Lost within the shadows, Smith’s cryptic motivations drive him to shatter the very foundations of democracy, seeking to taint an election with a tangled web of alleged pilfered documents. Whispers of the Presidential Records Act reverberate through the narrative, an act exonerating Trump, but used as a cudgel against America’s favorite president, serving as a chilling echo that could reshape the fabric of history itself.
But brace yourself, as the threads of this convoluted narrative stretch even deeper, delving into the events of January 6—an indelible date etched into the pages of American history. What began as a seemingly peaceful tour of our nation’s Capitol rapidly transformed into a nightmarish landscape, all orchestrated by the sinister maneuvers of a clandestine cabal and their covert AntiFa operatives. Their dark agenda aimed to shift the blame for the ensuing chaos onto Trump and his fervent supporters.
As the smoke clears, the shadowy figures of this nefarious cabal emerge from the abyss—a covert assembly poised to thwart the resurgence of the MAGA movement and stymie Donald Trump’s relentless quest to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AGAIN.” And who populates this outlandish cast? Prepare yourself for an unimaginable revelation: a triad of forces comprising the enigmatic Deep State, the perplexing Space Vampires, and the elusive Illuminati. These envoys of the arcane operate from their clandestine base—an orbiting secret installation camouflaged by the moon itself, which is no moon at all, but a meticulously engineered projection.
And the puppeteers behind this cosmic charade? None other than George Soros and Walt Disney, who’s been unfrozen from cryogenic slumber using Space Vampire freezing and unfreezing technology. This ungodly resurrection, signaled by the movie “Frozen,” was a calculated distraction meant to manipulate Google’s search algorithm and divert the masses from the truth.
Their covert headquarters? A hidden haven nestled within a decommissioned Nazi base beneath Antarctica, teeming with advanced technology, UFOs, and moon projectors.
Taking center stage in this surreal cast is the resurrected Walt Disney, assuming the mantle of an emissary for the vast cosmic plot to establish Agenda 21: the UN’s “New World Order.” This intricate scheme is interwoven across timelines and dimensions, a complexity that surpasses the limits of human understanding.
Krazy Kari gets smacked down again and again and again…
Like, vow!, man!
How do you know the GOP has nothing on Biden, They keep telling you…Its Hillary…DRINK
You’ve cracked the case!
thought this was interesting, We can’t fix our own systen, so lets mooch off Canada
Isn’t that socialism??
Texas applies to import lower-priced Canadian medications (msn.com)
Texans struggling with skyrocketing medication costs could see relief under a new program that allows distributors to import cheaper drugs from Canada.
House Bill 25 creates the “Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program.” The state’s Health and Human Services Commission would contract with Canadian drug wholesalers and suppliers to bring safe, eligible prescription drugs to Texas consumers at prices far cheaper than U.S. wholesalers.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I ate as a child, but when I became a man, I started liking anchovies, oysters, blue cheese, okra, brussels sprouts, fennel, olives, mushrooms, cilantro, and mayonnaise.
What about black licorice?
Stalin put his most hated opponents on a water and cilantro only diet when he threw them in the gulags.
AP: “Pope Francis has blasted the ‘backwardness’ of some conservatives in the U.S. Catholic Church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time.”
Evolution! What’s not to like?
So a state of 30 million will buy its drugs from a country of 40 million.
And Canada has the supply for 2x its own needs?
And “Sleepy Joe” does NOTHING.
I suspect we’ll find links to the Biden Crime Family and Big Anchovy™ before long. The Communist Radical Liberal Nazi Democrats are trying to tear this nation apart.
But what of the interdimensional Cat Wizards?
They’re planning for a large influx of refugees from the south upon Trump’s reelection.
Hmmm…PhRMA gonna let Texas get their hands on cheaper Canadian prescription drugs?
Ooooh, the Pharma types who are bankrolling Gooper candidates are NOT going to like that. Betcha some of them there MAGA politicians in TX are getting phone calls right now.
You just know they are not going to let TX lead the way to drop their profit margins and destroy their annual bonuses…
malevolent tapestry
That term alone should win you a Pullet Surprise, but I’d just like to personally thank you for the depth and solidity of your investigative work. Please, for all of us, carry on.