The Trump Administration’s Final Push to Make It Easier for Religious Employers to Discriminate | Talking Points Memo

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I hope President Elect brings back fire side chats and also go to the people when there are problems with congress,that’s what the TV media is for today brush off that old play book.


It wasn’t already easy enough for the religious to discriminate?


Hobby Lobby case in point.


That is a hansom man and one awesome beard. Very cool indeed. Wish mine looked like that.

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Why let him burn the country down?
Doesn’t anyone have the balls to end this psychotics rampage?
He is in his glory doing all the damage he can before he is evicted.
He really needs to be jumped on and put in a straight jacket and carried away to a safe room.
No man is invincible including him.


So does that mean the FSM can start waving his Noodly Appendage in a warlike manner against other religions?

Coz I’m all in on that!!

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THIS is why all those ‘evangelicals’ showed up for every prayer breakfast, surrounded Donnie and laid their hands on him and pretended that in ANY FKN WAY he was a ‘Christian’…so THEY could gain power and discriminate against anything ‘less’ than themselves. Franklin Graham and his sanctimonious racist BS insisting that HIS Christianity was the ‘way’…Falwell cramming his hypocrisy down the throats of students…and on and on. Trump and his sycophants have bastardized everything we thought about American and it’s ‘values’.