The Top Five ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Theories Debunked By The DOJ IG | Talking Points Memo

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz debunked key conspiracy theories alleging that the Trump campaign was undermined by an attempted “deep state” coup in his report released on Monday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

We need a companion article:

The Top Ten Conspiracy Theories Revived By AG Barr


So the report basically says the FBI acted professionally.

Something the Trump Organization has no concept of.


Huh, wonder who those unnamed pro Trump FBI agents are? Curious that Peter Strzok’s name is out there but none of these pro Trumpers are having to explain themselves in a public way.


Exactly. Funny how the left wing media didn’t cover any pro Trump emails. Strange that.


This has been established what? Four times before and the right doesn’t believe it. Hair Furor keeps on tweeting out lies and they believe him.


The campaign, inaugural balls and the family’s banking were knee-deep in Russians - but yeah, those FBI agents infiltrated the president’s carefully orchestrated, completely calm and normal campaign.


Who put Josh K. on listicle duty?


There are cop/ federal agent internet groups that the Russians have used to their advantage. Not a hard sell there either.


Sadly, nothing will persuade Mr. Barr, any Republicans or any of Mr. Trump’s supporters that anything at all was debunked. Shame on all of those fools who persist in believing these conspiracy theories.


Which is 4 less than the 8 investigations of Secretary Clinton and “her e-mails”’
If anyone thinks this report will satisfy the RWNJ’S they are smoking. And it’s not tobacco.


Inaugural balls were knee-deep in Russians?

Kudos to you for passing on the obvious pun there!


There were numerous stories about the Trump bias. No one cared.


The Republican congresscritters response to today’s hearings struck me as a second ‘Brooks Brothers riot.’
Like in that astroturfed protest, this report makes it clear that in one important respect, there’s really no basis for their shouts of impropriety. Instead, it’s all just part of a shameless, but well-financed, effort to game the system, a system whose operation they clearly neither respect nor support when it’s not working towards their ends.
Since their primary end appears to be party over country, it has to be stopped if democratic governance is to be preserved.


Oh hell, Neither Barr nor his enablers believe any of this, but they know that a sizeable portion of Fox viewers do and so they push it. Anything to help Trumpers rationalize their support of him. All little Goebbels manqué.


Not so fast, did you read the report? the IG resort claims FBI officials “misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source.”

Now how’s that investigation into the New York FBI field office going IG Horowitz? That sure did get quiet after Barr took over didn’t it?

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The tenor of the texts from the ‘competing’ sides of agents here is quite revealing. Page and Sztrok were texting about how awful it would be for Trump to get elected or about the remoteness of those possibilities…
The pro-Trump agents are merely texting about their thrill at the misery of the people that they don’t like at Trump’s election. Just more evidence that there is no guiding ethos, just ‘owning the libs.’
Truly scary.

And also that it was limited primarily to one agent, that those warrants did not materially alter the underlying process or conclusions and that the predicate for the investigation did not include this information and was a solid basis for opening an investigation. So?

Not perfect but, the FBI at large did in fact act professionally – at least with respect to handling Trump’s campaign. As for Clinton’s…