The Supreme Court Term That Fundamentally Changed America

And the bastards at the NYT continue to pile on Biden (traitors).

Biden’s Team Scrambles to Contain First Democratic Defections

Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly.

But this ruling is just a “clashing view of politics” not a naked power grab.

In Immunity Decision, Clashing Views of the Nature of Politics

I hope to see the NYT editorial board go up against the wall before I do.


This ruling, and all the others from this Corrupt Court, are monstrosities.

Grendel’s Mother - aka the Imperial SC6 - just gave birth to Grendel - aka the Imperial Presidency. Like mother, like child.


If we expand the Court, a future court could accept that norms are now somewhat flexible and rule that acceptance of Trump’s appeal in the Jan. 6 case was improvidently granted and vacate the decision. Might as week do that for Citizens United, Shelby, Chevron and the SEC cases as well.


So in other words, if we resist their “Second American Revolution,” which is what they are calling their Project 2025 remaking of government, they will resort to political violence.

What is alarming is that, as reported, Project 2025 does not require lots of legislation to implement; it is envisioned as relying mostly on executive orders. So Team Trump wouldn’t need Congress to push it through.


So much for checks and balances… Hereafter, “checks and balances” refers to the increasing balances in Trump’s bank accounts courtesy of billion-dollar checks from oligarchs.


MsM Breaking News: BidEn haD a FroGGy tHroAt!!!


As someone who typically gets their news from just a few trusted sources, and not the common MM giants, I thought I’d check out a few of the MM sources to see how they’re handling this recent SCOTUS crisis. It turns out that my fears and biases were just reinforced, with most of the news sites taking a relatively neutral approach (and mostly worried about Biden’s problems). Shockingly, the primary opinion pieces on CNN and Newsweek explained to me that the SC presidential immunity ruling is a good thing. Really. Thank you again TPM for your excellent reporting, and for at least having democracy’s back.


Surely we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the USA as a liberal and constitutional democracy. We will know more on November 5th.

Speaking of which: one of these days, and maybe soon, the story of how the people around Joe kept his condition under wraps and decided, either through cowardice or hubris (both work), to brazen it out will be revealed, and they will not look good. One thing is worth noting: they were no doubt correct in guessing the passion amongst many Democratic-types to shout down anyone who might have the temerity to suggest anything serious was awry with Joe. A bent toward authoritarianism isn’t exclusive to the Republican side.


Some ideas about what resistance to Roberts’ coup might look like:


well.bless their hearts…they think it willl never touch them, they think the ‘we’ are unarmed and will not fight back…when push comes to shove, all bets are off…we need to just stop being so nice and reasonable, ‘they’ want us all dead and gone. i fear for the youngsters growing up ,now, they will never enjoy the life i have had.


Yes yes. And bravo to Kate Riga for this superb article.


Republicans are good with this because they’ve been informed they are superior human beings for decades, and their opposition is inferior in every way. We’re baby killers.


There is a Congressional review process on EOs. I know that in the case of regulatory agency rule-making, Congress can pass a joint resolution of disapproval and the proposed rule is stricken.

Is there something similar for EOs?

This just doubles the importance of retaking the House and holding the Senate as a check on the barbarians inside the gates.


same here. taking care of their 'home-boyo,


If it came to that, I presume the headline would be “In Discussion with NYT Editorial Board, Bullets Trace Differing Trajectories.”


Seriously? President Biden’s desire to run for reelection smacks of authoritarianism to you?


It’s always been the way with fascists – start a cycle that always ends with their consolidating and exercising more power.


Republicans are good with this because …15 years ago a Black man was elected president and half the country lost its mind.


We and the Democrats must work to make the people see that. Not the base, they LOVE what they see, but any undecided or swing voter.

The MSM isn’t going to do this unless they can be convinced that they are going to be some of the first victims if Trump takes power. They all seem to think they can keep in his favor of they neuter the coverage.


Just providing cover for when crazy, right-wing nuts, under Trump’s control, start the war and then blame “the left” for instigating the action.

I fear for the republic.