On Monday, the Republican National Committee’s research arm sent out a memo mocking remarks made by President Biden during an LGBTQ Pride Month celebration over the weekend. Just a few years ago, the memo’s tone might have been surprising. But the attack was the latest chapter in a fraught history that has seen the RNC alternately embrace the annual celebrations, and then back far away from them.
The GOP is now fully a hate society. Yesterday I was listening to a profile on NPR regarding Medgar Evers on the 60th anniversary of his murder. I came away from it thinking that it’s 60 years later and nothing has changed. Honestly, it feels Tolkien-esque. Every bit of the evil that took his life never went away. It just lay dormant until Trump and the modern version of the Republican Party came along to awaken it again. All these decades and it’s still the same people with the same mentality and the same murderous hatred.
They hate anyone who is not white/straight/Christian. The Defeated Former Twice-Impeached/Indicted Former president* did “unleash the Kraken” of prejudice and bigotry. He made it OK to hate. Let’s move on from this attitude.
The RNC and the Log Cabin Republicans did not respond to requests for comment about whether the coalition is still active and what, if anything, it may have accomplished during its run.
And yet, particularly for the Log Cabin group, there is no stopping and asking exactly what it is they’re supporting, except possibly for their own extermination. This is one of the more puzzling aspects of political life: a group supporting a political philosophy that wants nothing more than to see you gone.
I do not know if the Republican party is full of hate, but every time they try to grow by including previously under represented groups of citizens the party undergoes a rather strong backlash against them. Sort of like their mind says one thing but their emotions say another.
So sure, if it is not the party of hate, they sure act like they hate.
You proceed from the assumption that the Log Cabin Republicans exist as anything other than as a marketing entity trotted out on occasion for deceptive tweets and press releases when the party needs them.
They once existed. I actually knew as acquaintances some of the early founders, who held a sincere belief they could change hearts and minds within the party, akin to individuals coming out to their families resulting in honest if sometimes difficult conversations.
I thought it was a misguided effort, though I was young and not yet as as jaded. There was a logic to what they believed, and their cause was real.
I contend the group they created has long ceased to exist. When I read the group’s scant press releases now, or look at their laughable twitter feed as I did during the last Presidential election, I see flimsy spin and pure plastic. There’s nothing real there. It’s all sound and fury and lies. In other words, just like the rest of the cult. They’ve been fully assimilated.
Probably 12 or so years ago I went on 4 chan to check it out and many of the wingers there were posting child porn and trans sex images. Let them clutch their stupid pearls.
No RWers would have any problem if it was Pam Anderson’s fake boobs. Their whole problem is this trans model is pretty and they can’t easily tell she’s Trans.
But if someone did get murdered or beaten simply for their sexual orientation … the RNC would decline to comment …blame it on liberal permissive society …
And if if the idea was raised to strengthen laws to try to prevent murdering or beating people for their sexual orientation… the RNC would absolutely oppose it as “unnecessary” … and suggest that “these people” bring it on themselves by being so “flamboyant”
There is a frighteningly large portion of the strident fundamentalist MAGA population who - if they were truthful- would tell you it is their God given right to beat the absolute crap out of gays & queers simply for “flaunting” their queerness in public … and their threshold for “flaunting” is very very low … wearing a rainbow button can be all it takes!