The Problem With Needing Trump To Whip Your Votes

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Throughout the 119th Congress, the House’s very narrow Republican majority has been functioning surprisingly smoothly. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was reelected speaker on the first vote, a stark contrast to the days-long, dozen-vote process his predecessor Kevin McCarthy had to survive. The House passed a framework for a reconciliation bill more easily than was expected, and…


What goes on in Congress these days seems rather irrelevant, doesn’t it?


Cowards and lickspittles.


What will happen to Johnson if he does not deliver the impeachments of judges?
Or the bills that convicted felon wants for that matter?


Not sure why the house republicans are twitchy about impeaching the judges, it will be just as effective as TSF being impeached twice at impacting the elections (i.e. not making one iota of difference). If anything, it will help shore up their support as some pointy-headed elite gets berated by MTG, Bobo the clown, Gym Johnson and the rest of the spittle-flecked gibbons.

No-one who believes in the constitution votes GQP anyway, so it’s meaningless.


Constitutionally speaking, for the Congress (Republicans) to cede to the Executive some of their power to appropriate and allocate funds is a Constitutional violation. The Constitution gives the legislature the sole power of the purse, and the President’s sole enumerated fiscal responsibility is to spend that allocated money as Congress instructed and intended. If Congress wants to ceded some of its Constitutionally enumerated powers to Trump, that requires a Constitutional amendment; no legislative act can either change or overrule the Constitution.

Yes, of course they have passed the bill, and it will undoubtedly be acted on, but it’s still a Constitutional violation, and a lawsuit both can and should completely void both it and any actions based on it.

As to whether any of that will actually happen, though, given the current corrupt composition of so many of the courts…


He moves back into that smaller office. Maybe “Gymshorts” Jordan gets the gavel.

From your keyboard to Hakim Jeffries email!!


Would a judicial impeachment proceeding require the hiuse and the senate to handle that first before moving on to any other business in front of it? I am guessing it would not be like a presidential impeachment proceeding. But if it were, could one be used to tie the hands of congress on any other business for a while AND provide an opportunity for dems to highlight gqp and trump corruption, lawlessness, etc?


In the dictionary, under the definition for “toady,” it is annotated with, “as in Mike Johnson.”

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I’d love to drop Schumer and Collins on a desert island filled with webcams while they “hope for the best”.


So, to paraphrase, privately, there is dread among some members of the House Republican caucus that, whatever assurances they’ve been given, there might still be meaningful elections in 2026. Yay, I guess.


The decision on how hard to push will ultimately fall to Johnson, a former constitutional lawyer

Words have ceased to have any meaning.


The orange pile of bile owns you, folks. Nothing left to do. Maybe empty your campaign funds and buy a nice retirement cottage. Try to sneak away, become invisible. Die on your knees, in a pool of his pee.