The President Wades Into To The Congressional Morass | Talking Points Memo

Yup. Only choices from the “Dude Food-group.”

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She’s dumber than a bracket fungus.


Not sure what to say except grift.

Reminds me of the Seinfeld ep where Jerry is endorsing the checks from Japan.


Yeah they do! Oh wait… wrong subject


Both a rank and a clinical diagnosis…perfect


McConnell wants the filibuster gone. But he wants democrats to do it.

He is confident democrats won’t be able to wield the power that would bring effectively. Sure on but a few things, but not much.

However much I loath McConnell… in this case I think that piece of shit may be right.

But, if they were to return to power… it’s Fucking Nazi time.

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God, she is stupid. If we left her outside during a rainstorm, would she drown while looking at the clouds?

Empty Greene is getting tips on witty repartee from Señor Cruz (Q-Cancun).

ETA YES I know it’s apocryphal about turkeys drowning in the rain, and YES I know I wasn’t clear which “she” is the idiot in question (in the first comment). Why not both?

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It could lead to violence in the streets.
Just saying.

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The Child care component looks quite well designed. What happens if this legislation fails?

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We know who needs to answer for this (individual 1 and others).
Sedition as stated by Prof. Tribe is being genteel about it. I would have used the word described in Article 3 section 3 of the Constitution.


So after 5 hours to so of meetings (man I hope the President stayed hydrated and chilled out with some ice cream tonight. He must want to throttle a lot of these Dems!), I think things are moving in the right direction. My observations:

  • WH basically sided with liberals that the reconciliation bill is vitally important.
  • WH didn’t insist that liberals vote for the infra bill on Monday. They appear to be letting the liberals flex their power to deny the mods a vote to pass the infra bill in order to get the moderates in line and on board. That would effectively delay the bill because Pelosi won’t put a bill on the floor that doesn’t have the votes to pass.
  • Moderates agreed that there should be a reconciliation bill.
  • WH is basically telling the Mods (by letting the liberals flex) that Biden wants them on board to support reconciliation by a date certain before he will tell the liberals that they have to vote for the infra bill.
  • Mods blinked today and appeared to show their cards. They really, really want that infra bill vote on Monday. They don’t want to vote for tax increases to fund a 3.5T bill. That’s their issue…the corporate tax rate and other levies on rich folks.
  • Manchin has been putting the climate change provisions on the chopping block to reduce the 3.5T bill. Liberals have said ‘hell no!’. The problem for Manchin and House Mods is they can’t deliver votes. No GOPers will support the infra bill in the House. So they’re dependent on House Liberals to vote for their infra bill. House Libs are adding numbers to the ‘hell no!’ caucus to make passage impossible w/out their support.
  • Mods then went to the WH for help. WH said :man_shrugging:. The President sides with the liberals here. The reconciliation bill contains his BBB agenda. He won the damn election and rid us of the Trumpocalypse. He gets to f’ing decide here, not Joe f’ing Manchin or Kyrsten ‘bull in a china shop’ Sinema.
  • So now, the Mods floated a proposal to exempt the climate change spend from being paid for with tax increases. That takes the amount that needs to be paid for significantly down, maybe even to 1.5T, which is the number the Mods have floated. So the compromise will be tax increases that raise 1.5T, but spending at 3.5T or whatever the liberals want.
  • If this funding compromise works and the Mods commit to voting for reconciliation by a date certain, the vote on Monday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill (well, it’s only bipartisan in the US Senate. Few if any House GOPers will vote for it) will go forward and it will pass. Reconciliation will pass soon thereafter and then we will have change the economy for a generation (well, only if we can mint a platinum coin to end the debt ceiling wars).

MTG reminds me of a tolerable imitation of Rosanne Barr imitating a baseball pitcher grabbing his crotch. It’s an infinite regression of boorishness, ignorance, and tactlessness all the way down. What you see is what you get. It’s not an act.



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2 minutes to closing time and the current smoking area ‘conversation’ is about vaccines.



Is this guy for real?


Perhaps there’s a kind of “Betty Ford Residential Treatment Center” for Twitter dependency. If so, perhaps the outsized, ochre-tinted Maralagoan can get himself a spot in an outpatient treatment program. If I were the judge, I would so order it.


Kick Mitch clean in the nuts repetitively, Liz; on the Senate floor with CNN cameras rolling. Forget about political legerdemain and ‘splainin’ stuff. That doesn’t do any good. We’ll rally behind your flag and by the time we’re through, and at the cost of a few cruciate ligament injuries, there won’t be an uncontused set of Republican balls left in the country.

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