The Palpable Pain In Texas

And just because you made us wonder:

The white spots on their fur help them to blend in with the sun-flecked ground. Fawns lose those spots at 90-120 days of age. The doe does not stay with her young during the day because she doesn’t want to attract predators to them. If you find a fawn that you think is abandoned, do not touch it.


My wife and I couldn’t wait to sign the petition. We are hopeful that this will draw enough people to lead to gains for the Dems all up and down the ballot including a repeat victory for Biden. If the Republicans retain a majority in the State Legislature, it will be interesting to see what kind of tantrums they throw and how they try to sabotage the initiative, because it is a safe bet that they will try everything their little minds can conjure up to kneecap the will of the voters.


We’re doing what we can to keep that from happening. They hold a 1 seat majority in the Senate and two in the House. I’m working to flip LD17.
We’re up against a real loser in Justine Wadsack, a twit that tried to pass a bill that would just give all of Arizona’s electors to TMFWWNBN.
Wadsack is in the mold of MTG and Boobert.


Wadsack may be worse…wait, I take that back. But she is truly, truly awful. You are doing Dog’s work, Eldon.