The Number Of Democratic Socialists In Congress Will Soon Double. But The Movement Scored Its Biggest Victories Down Ballot

It is hard to ignore the youth demographic on display in this ascent of an idea.
It is still just that.
Anyone who thinks they can call it must have a looking glass into the future, because that it where it waits for the rest of us.
We are looking at the future in these young leaders, and the labels they choose for themselves might be the ones we should adopt, if we want to hasten that future.
As for the zealots here who claim some sort of wise overview or superior purview, like I said, give us tomorrow’s lottery numbers if you have that sort of vision.


Scandanavians and.Canadians do not vote in American elections.

Their views are not a solution to the branding problem.


This is why you are shitty at branding.

OK, now you’re not even making arguments.

The Democrats lost House seats in the Age of Trump.

Tell me again about your theory of branding.

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This I agree with, of course.

But it does not mean we have nothing to learn from them.

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Yes, such an amazing accomplishment in two red, I mean purple, no, wait . . . deeply blue districts.

Yes, because lefties are such shit at branding that they made sure the Republican attacks were both plausible and effective. I mean, holy shit, we lost Florida and at least a couple of House seats in large part because DSA’s incompetent branding made it easy to scare South Florida into thinking that Joe Biden was going to seize the means of production and make everyone stand in lines for toilet paper.


OK, so “lefties” are so bad at branding that they gained seats in their own right while causing the Democrats to lose even more seats.

Got it, thanks.

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But the DSA didn’t “gain” any seats. They had two new adherents with sub-par branding sensibilities who won seats that were already firmly in the Democratic caucus. And I’m glad they did! Jamaal Bowman, in particular, seems like a fantastic person and politician. It’s just too bad that he identifies himself with a movement whose very name is electoral poison for vast swathes of the electorate outside his district.

You don’t have to compromise on policy in order to ditch the poisonous brand.

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well. i am probably way off on this…but are the Progressives the Tea Party of the Democrat Party??

This must be the New Math I keep hearing about.


Tell that to Joe Manchin.

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Let’s revisit this discussion when a DSA candidate wins an election in a district that is less than D+25.


Or when Democrats don’t lose Congressional seats to Trump’s party.

Maybe then we can instruct others about their “branding.”


To paraphrase txlawyer, the DSA gained seats by appearing to be Democrats and Democrats lost seats by being smeared as socialists.

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So who’s terrible at “branding”?

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Let us know when you win anything in Texas. Especially with the state of the Democratic Party apparatus.

BTW - in West Texas, the Greens outnumber the Republicans and Libertarians combined. They picked up anywhere between 10 - 25% of the vote.

They are building a bench right now, rather than sitting on their ass like the El Paso Democratic Party is doing.

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Tacoma, always remember this:

Progressives are always the cause of Democratic defeats, and they are never the margin of Democratic victories.

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This is 100% untrue. In fact, it’s so untrue that I’m having trouble conceiving of it as anything other than a deliberate lie. Howie Hawkins got 0.5% of the vote in El Paso County.

ETA: And I haven’t been able to find even one county anywhere in Texas where he managed to break 1%.

They both are in comparison to the GOP/media machine which is the only comparison that matters. Might as well include Black Live Matter with them while you’re at it.

GOP wordsmiths, in great part due to Fox News but with the amazingly daft compliance of even many Dims, can make almost any term they want stick to whoever they wish.

I have had a number of exchanges on social media with GOPers in which the words, communist, socialist, social democrat, and fascist are all said to refer to the same thing: liberals.

The truth is there are two pro-capitalist political parties in this country that are dedicated to preserving capitalism, and as a result the populace is so politically backward and uninformed I doubt we can seriously hope for reform of this system before it collapses. As before, we’ll have to wait for new structures to be developed out of the ruin. This comparison is uncomfortably made in 1177BC, The Year Civilization Collapsed. which analysis the elements that led to the collapse of the Late Bronze Age.

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That I could agree with.
