The Mystery Of Thousands Of Potentially Fraudulent Signatures For Florida Casino Expansion | Talking Points Memo

How did they spend that much money? Who received it? This is sickening


The attorney’s statement that they wouldn’t “purposefully” submit fraudulent signatures feels like a Freudian slip to me

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Yes, Virginia, there is election fraud.

It’s just that it’s carried out by plutocrats and right-wing republican wackos.

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So is this the electoral version of “He who smelt it dealt it, he who denied it supplied it”?

Whatever the GOP accuses others of, it is almost always itself guilty of. Whether this is misdirection or denial, it’s all the same.

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Either your vote or your brains will be on this ballot…

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I lived in Florida (Daytona Beach) from 1977-1980. I still have a brother and many nieces and nephews living down there. I will never go back. What a cesspool of corruption. And I originally was born and raised in Chicago, which was famously corrupt, but at least in Chicago things got done, and when people needed help the politicians gave it to them because they knew their jobs depended on it. Of course, they were all Democrats, not rich autocratic Florida Republicans like DeSantis, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Laurel Lee and the rest of them.

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Look no further than Miriam Adelson’s contributions to Desantis.


“The idea that our committee would purposely submit fraudulent petitions is ridiculous,” … but true.


I don’t have any data, but I suspect fraudulent signatures on these localized initiatives are pretty common. I recall two local ones that were found to have faked signatures in So Calif back in the 80s. The perpetrators were not surprisingly those with a vested interest in the matter. Two data points do not a trend make.


I just love how he condemns the “idea” without condemning the fraud, knowing that most people are so fucking stupid they hear “We didn’t do that.”


If I may play diction police, I see “secretive” used in place of “secret”.
I’ve been seeing this misuse a lot lately.
The former refers to behavior; the latter refers to something not to be seen by others.


Eric Trump did propose building a casino resort at trump Doral near Miami in March of last year…

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The courts and prosecutors never seem to apply those draconian laws and sentences to Republicans voting illegally.


Oh God. It’s Florida Woman!

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Re: saturation point. They don’t want to make money, they want to launder it.

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A bit more info on the Florida GOP’s support for making Doral into a casino:


It does have multiple layers, doesn’t it?

The idea is ridiculous.
The act itself was ridiculous.

But we’re supposed to walk ourselves into the conclusion that because it’s so ridiculous to do and ridiculous to think, they of course didn’t do it.

But just supposing they did …well, it wasn’t on purpose. Just accidentally passing along those fraudulent petitions; we were just as deceived as all of you!


30-40% of the US is an embarrassment to the rest of us and failing in all ways that count. It’s the red part.

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Such levels of corruption and incompetence are only possible because the people of Florida and similar states are either very stupid or very greedy. I know that much is made of northern and central Florida’s white trailer trash racists, but there’s a lot of greed in southern Florida that’s also behind this. I don’t understand how people can move there, if they’re not one or the other.


No income tax is one reason.

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