A disgraced south Florida politico allegedly pays a deadbeat auto parts salesman into running as a spoiler candidate.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1365748
A disgraced south Florida politico allegedly pays a deadbeat auto parts salesman into running as a spoiler candidate.
I think the deadbeat is smarter than this guy.
Why don’t they just stick a UVC light up every guest’s butt?
But seriously, where am I going to go for Easter now?!
This, according to Trump, was “misrepresentation”. “Yes, the first few questions are easy,” he conceded. “But I’ll bet you couldn’t even answer the last five questions. I’ll bet you couldn’t, they get very hard, the last five questions.” He added: “I guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.”
A Deadbeat,
A Stolen Florida Election,
Not STDs or Acute Anemia from Bed Bug Bites?
This is pretty dirty politics, the question is if the investigation leads any further up the food chain. There’s a good chance that someone willing to drop half a million bucks like this let it be known to either or both of these fools to keep their mouths shut in exchange for a reward after they get out of jail. We’ll see if it leads any further, there are still strings to pull.
This is a great example of why dark money is so corrupting to our politics…there are plenty of wealthy people for whom this is pocket change, and without the down side of people knowing they are twisting the political system to their own ends. Forcing every political donation out into the light is really a requirement to stop this kind of thing from happening.
What’s a beer financier?
That’s the person who drunkenly proclaims, “Next round for everyone on me!!”
We also need to get rid of the ridiculous idea that money is speech.
Well, now I see where Trump went wrong. He failed to find somebody named Biden to run as a third party candidate…
Seems the Georgia firm Proclivity has a proclivity for fraud and corruption, eh?
Not STDs or Acute Anemia from Bed Bug Bites?
Sudden Trump Death
We’re still in the opening phase of what looks to be a long, mind-numbing journey into unimaginable stupidness. These maggots will never, ever accept the basic premise on which our society is built. Never.
It’s Florida dirty tricks. You know rogieboy stone has to be mixed up in it somehow.
Seen WP had a clip of Biden tripping twice going up the stairs on Air Force One.
Had to go to Fox and check out the comments. Yeah, they’re about what you’d think.
Just one:
So the wind caused his fall. I expect to hear next that it was climate change and this is another reason we need the Green New Deal.
Muckraker indeed is the correct category for this guy and his story. Disgraced.
Seen WP had a clip of Biden tripping twice going up the stairs on Air Force One.
Had to go to Fox and check out the comments. Yeah, they’re about what you’d think.
It will be continual. Especially on slow news days.
"A Pro-Biden group, operating with the White House's blessing, plans to raise unlimited funds — and grant donors anonymity — as it prepares to promote and protect the president's agenda from the outside," Axios reports."By not capping anonymous...