The Most Explosive The Last Word Interview Yet (VIDEO) | Talking Points Memo

In what is unarguably the most explosive interview in the infancy of The Last Word, Republican Rep. Ron Paul had a logisitical on-air disagreement with host Lawrence O’Donnell that, while not the centerpiece of the discussion on the Tea Party, certainly colored the rest of the debate an ugly shade of contentious and uncomfortable that recalled his son Rand‘s debate with Rachel Maddow.The disagreement was whether Rep. Paul expected to discuss candidates other than himself and their prospects in November. Naturally, given that the Tea Party was the topic at hand, O’Donnell questioned Rep. Paul about GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul, as well as several other nascent figureheads of the movement. Paul seemed disturbed: “one of the agreements we had when I came on your show was we weren’t going to talk about other candidates, so I’m not going to talk about other candidates,” he reminded O’Donnell, to which the latter appeared somewhat confused insulted. “Just a second- I wasn’t part of any agreement when we came on the show,” O’Donnell told him. “If someone made an agreement with you, no one said anything about it.”

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