Our journey through America’s varying levels of pandemic-voting preparedness continues this week with looks at Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, and Rhode Island.
Ranked choice voting has the Democratic establishment in the Commonwealth in a tizzy. The current system almost always splits what they consider the “overly progressive” vote enough ways to allow whom they favor to squeak by with a plurality (I’m looking at you Mr. Auchincloss). Despite its reputation as. liberal bastion, there are a number of pols in the local weeds who are more conservative in their policy positions and social attitudes than one might think.
Here in Arizona voting by mail is well established and it works. I was able to put my ballot into a proper ballot box under the watchful gaze of a friendly poll worker. No problem. I chose to hand deliver my ballot this time because I don’t trust trump’s attempts to screw with the post office. But I encountered zero problems. I was even provided with a note containing a web address where I can follow my ballot’s progress thru the tabulation system. Sweet.
I am sure the ballot will be secure.
I am liking this early voting thing.
My wife remains a Missouri resident. We have been in our Florida home since March. Voting was easy for me, a Florida resident. I just contacted my local election board and asked for a mail in ballot, just like Donald Trump, who votes by mail, at the exact same place. My wife went to the Missouri website and asked for an absentee ballot. It was her first time. Usually she is in Missouri on election day. Imagine her surprise when she discovered she had to find a notary. Then she discovered that Missouri had passed a law in May allowing people to use Covid as an excuse and not requiring a notary. She called the election board in Jackson County, Missouri and was told that the ballot she requested was an absentee ballot and required a notary. She ask if she could get a Covid ballot that doesn’t require a notary. She was told no. No replacements for her. She could go home to Missouri or find a notary. Earlier this week she did something she hasn’t done she hasn’t done often since March (she is over 65 and has a heart condition) she put on her mask and hunted out a nearby notary. She came home with a smile on her face and the ballot was gone. She had found a notary, and posted the ballot on the way home. The notary cost $10.00. I am thinking about sending Governor Parsons a bill.