A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
Indulge me at least one more day of pouring through our coverage of the Meadows Texts, which crossed the barrier between politics and pop culture. Late night talk show treatment? Here we go.
HAPPy 10TH aNNiversary of THE daY a groUP of Crisis ActoRs CLaIMed a MAss ShooTing Though In realitY they soLD their CHiLDren inTO HitlarY’s chILD sex Ring (YOui libtarDs love your cheeSe pizza) ANd labor Camps on MArs.WHere THeir bLOOD was Harvested so THat HitlarY could bathe in Their bLOOD to reMAIn youthful.
This is the earliest I’ve ever posted. No puppies or kitties but here’s a Live Cam from Duluth MN lighthouse. They’re under a blizzard warning along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday said that former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani was wrong to accuse him of covering up data from Hunter Biden’s laptop.
In a recent interview with Newsmax, Giuliani claimed that Pompeo had “buried” the laptop’s hard drive.
“I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it," Giuliani said. “And you should know that now that he’s running for president — and I will tell you the whole story about that at some point. I’ll write it out.”
“Not much to say,” Pompeo told Brody. “I feel bad for Rudy. You know, Sean Hannity, John Solomon, Mike Pompeo: noted leftists. Right? I feel bad. I’ll leave it there.”
Shoot…still haven’t mastered uploading. They also just turned off the lights so one can’t see the snow blowing sideways. Thanks Kelaine for the correction.
So did Stephen Colbert: “These members of Congress communicating with Meadows were — and it’s not my place to editorialize — stupid, evil traitors who were trying to do crimes against democracy, for which they should be punished with decades of jail time.”
Fantastic that TPM is getting noticed and hopefully it will bring more readership to the site. Not only does it help Josh and staff make a living but it exposes more of the public to a place with quality political news and analysis. A place where expertise is shared and ideas actually debated.
An extra benefit of the added eyeballs - it helps build momentum to actually sanction the bad behavior of those in the prior administration.
I don’t watch TV during the day… just in the evening so I did catch Josh Marshall on “All In” on msnbc and was happy to see the Meadows emails front n center.
Good work TPM!