The Last Thing Maricopa Needs: Alleged Theft In Tabulation Center Sets Off Big Lie 2.0

Originally published at: The Last Thing Maricopa Needs: Alleged Theft In Tabulation Center Sets Off Big Lie 2.0

Last week, a temporary election worker in Maricopa County, Arizona was arrested after allegedly stealing a security fob and keys from the county’s voting tabulation center. The challenge for election officials in the county, which was ground zero for election misinformation and threats against election workers following the 2020 election, is less about increasing security…

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Roberts knows he will have an opportunity to call the election for Trump.

Every since 2016, they’ve been governing like they would never be out of power. Because they’ve resolved to make it that way.

Accept what already is, and start thinking about what to do about it. As Josh told us recently, even after bad things, there is a tomorrow.


Roberts thinks he can control Trump because Trump will be a government official bound by rules that Roberts gets to interpret.

Roberts forgets that Trump has access to Putin’s novichok, etc. He forgets that Trump will readily resort to violence (again). He forgets that Trump recruits lieutenants who are criminals and thugs, and that’s why he was always going around Congress to get them installed.

Roberts forgets that the legions of dedicated civil servants who shield him from violence do so because they believe in Constitution’s promise that all people are equal before the law.

He acts like he’s got it all figured out.

Roberts is always wearing a strange grimace in his photographs. Makes sense: he has known what project he was up to this whole time, and he should have anticipated that it would always lead to him making a deal with the devil to smash through the Constitution, and he should have learned from the humanities that people who make deals with the devil always get destroyed by the devil.

Once a B-student with a dead imagination, always a B-student with a dead imagination. No wonder he’s a Libertarian extremist.


Of course the rethugs are screaming Democrat. Is there any record of this clown’s affiliation?


Its evidence of the machine they have for spreading this stuff. All these fools meet once a week at least. In a tax-free building where they claim to speak for the creator of the entire universe.

And He says:

Drill Baby Drill!!


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Terminating the perp from his job is weak sauce. If we want to spin alternative conspiracy theories, do we know this is not some Magat false flag operation?

How about a public execution by firing squad, pour encourager les autres?

Dirty tricks are a feature here in Arizona. We also have scorpions, rattle snakes, gila monsters, bobcats, mountain lions, and bears.


Oh for cripes sake. I am so SICK of all these criminals. WHAT COUNTRY DO THEY THINK THEY GREW UP IN??? And now they are willing to destroy it for…something.


umm…did I miss in the article where the thief was a Democrat? Because so far, all these shenanigans have been pulled by Republicans.


Just another minor to be handled under official business immunity. Biden needs to have the FBI arrest thus scumbag, and send him to GITMO for a speedy trial for treason in 2074. Thank you John Roberts, you da man!

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I think I read that he was a Democrat but is no more. What he is…who knows. A dumb ass mother fucker seems to fit. Playing into GOP memes and lies is suicide.

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I doubt Robert’s sees Trump as something he can play. He probably sees him as an ally. They are not birds of a feather though. Roberts is a smart guy but like many smart guys before him is blindered by extremist urges. Hence his conduct which has been repeated throughout history. It’s not new. Trump is dumb and blindered by ego. Both are dangerous in their own ways.


Last week, a temporary election worker in Maricopa County, Arizona was arrested after allegedly stealing a security fob and keys from the county’s voting tabulation center.
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The worker was arrested, passwords and all else was changed. Far as I know the problem is solved for now. Now, this is speaking from reality and not conspiracy. No space aliens are living in the tabulation machines. Besides ballots are hand counted first… at least in Pima County they are. And the rooms where ballot handling happens are all covered by video cameras that anyone anywhere can access. So as I said … relax


I don’t think “Roberts forgets” anything. He just thinks Trump won’t do anything bad to him or his family. Many before him have made the same mistake, and some of them didn’t even get to live to regret it.


“ between two and 3000” temporary hires for each election.

2,000 to 3,000 ?