The Kremlin Can’t Hide Its Ukraine War Dead: Reports Emerge Of Funerals Across Russia | Talking Points Memo

From my experience as a Marine in Vietnam the ratio of Wia to Kia is usually about 5 or 6 to 1.


“they” ???


What did it start at just last week? Like 1.5:1 ruples to the dollar?

Despite this, the world is more stable and peaceful than in past centuries. Putin is an outlier, an old man who can’t stop thinking about the previous century. He is destined to go away soon, I think.


It’s more complicated when expressing your opinion could easily land you in jail.


To the extent you trust Wikipedia, the Soviets suffered about 10-15,000 KIA in Afghanistan in nine years.


The kid was 19 years old, he had no idea why he was there or what he was doing, if he even knew where he was. His mother’s grief is only made worse by a government that lies to her as she learns his body is buried in some field. When she learns the truth about the war it will be all the worse for her. It will never not haunt her dreams.


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You’d think that information about the true nature of the “special operation” would filter into Russia just by word of mouth.


My lack of sympathy for dead Russian invaders is not dependent on their individual level of culpability. I’m not both-sidesing this war. I want Ukraine to defeat its invaders, and that only happens by killing quite a lot of them.


“In war, truth is the first casualty.” ― Aeschylus

By their lies, Putin, Trump, and others have been engaged in war for a long, long time.


Michale Herr forwards his highly recommended book “Dispatches” with the quote: “The United States Marine Corp. The finest weapon ever invented for killing young Americans”. I highly respect your service in the Marines and am glad you made it back but I think you can recognize the truth in that horrific condemnation. If you haven’t already read that book and another called Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes a former Marine helicopter pilot. You will see yourself and your brothers in that book for better or worse. Took him 30 years to write.


The old saying form the Vietnam war was that I’m just another poor kid fighting in a rich man’s war, With these oligarchs running the show that could never be more true.


At least you got your “welcome home”.


I wonder how many of these soldiers are even traceable to begin with? Many are probably from very poor families and they had no birth documents or actual ID. If we had no record of them ever existing it’s a lot easier to just stick them in the oven. They never really existed when they were alive, so why treat them any differently in death? It’s like incinerating trash.

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Just guessing, but the Za is the ‘for’ in that construction. (As opposed to the P, or Cyrillic equivalent, for “victory”?) So, their great new fascist logo is symbolizing a preposition?
I guess they really have lost a step…


and a whole lot more than that seriously injured and/or disabled. This in a country where it was difficult, if not impossible, to get prosthetics and good long-term care. Wounded Afghan vets suffered a lot, not least because a lot of WW2 vets would accost them for not winning the Afghan war as they had won the Great Patriotic War…


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.


Don’t make assumptions about meaning in a phrase transliterated by how it’s pronounced in Russian.

“It is grand and glorious to die for your country” The big lie.