The Kremlin Can’t Hide Its Ukraine War Dead: Reports Emerge Of Funerals Across Russia | Talking Points Memo

I’m sure the hospitals are being watched. Anyone too outspoken gets quietly recategorized from “wounded” to “missing in action”


And to be sure, some of those poor schmucks have committed war crimes. They are in a thuggish outfit with no honor, only the opposite.


I hope Ukraine and all Ukrainians expeditiously receive the justice they deserve against the Russian terrorists.
And, I wish the Russian terrorist war dead a pleasant journey into the afterlife. May the terrorist’s bodies and minds return to the cycles of life and the elements of the universe harmoniously, and their souls receive fair and just treatment for their thoughts and actions on earth in its onward journey. May they realize the beauty of peace and co-existence with their neighbors at some point in the thereinafter.


These last communications from Russian soldiers to their families so reminds me of the Chicks song Viet Nam Soldier in which he tells his young girlfriend that it’s going to get rough for awhile so she won’t be hearing from him. Some things never change in the game of war. Dying for lies just sucks.


Of course they died defending the motherland from Nazis, defending their Ukrainian brothers and sisters from their Nazi overlords, and providing humanitarian assistance.


The Russian Ruble is now trading at 155 rubles to the dollar.


There’s no joy in cheering Russian deaths, but it’s at least an indication that Putin is going to lose this abominable war. Even with the low number of 4500 Russian soldiers killed, that speaks well of Ukrainians’ ability to defend their homes.




There have been some unconfirmed reports of Russia ‘finishing off’ their wounded soldiers and leaving behind their dead instead of burying or cremating. It seems like dealing with casualties was one of the many logistical questions they didn’t address before invading.


I’ve been glad about Ukrainian successes that I know involve deaths. But grieving parents, that’s something you can empathize with. It’s like months ago with the wingnuts who died of covid when they didn’t have to. They were wrong, they made a bad decision. But they didn’t suffer any less because of it. Some of them told others to get vaccinated. Maybe these losses can make the Russians more insistently demand a system that asks whether the cause is just before it goes to war.


“Casualties? What casualties? We don’t do stinking casualties!” So many people on both sides dying pointlessly.


I was just 19 when I came home from the Nam for instance. Got a minor in possession of alcohol within a week and the judge just shrugged his shoulders and said “Sorry son there’s nothing I can do. The laws the law. Pay the clerk $50 on your way out. Oh and by the way, Welcome Home.”


Moscow is turning to Syria to help fuel its war effort as “nearly 100 percent” of Russian troops pre-positioned around Ukraine have been sent into the country to fight, according to a senior U.S. defense official.

“We know that they’re trying to recruit Syrians for the fight,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under terms set by the Pentagon. “We find that noteworthy, that he believes he needs to rely on foreign fighters to supplement what is a very significant commitment of combat power inside Ukraine.”


There were fewer than 60,000 US deaths in the Viet Nam War. Putin, in just 2 weeks, seems to be about a quarter of the way there. The US population in the late 1960s was around 200 million, and the war was profoundly unpopular. Russia has a current population of about 145 million, which would mean that 45,000 deaths is the number it needs to match US numbers. Incredibly, we could see that number within a month.


I doubt Russian soldiers are euthanizing their comrades, bad for morale and many for many reasons would refuse. I mean killing a friend or even not a friend would have you thinking that could be me at anytime in the next hour, 12 hours, weeks…

More to the point, I have heard reports that before the invasion the Russians along with arms were stocking up on blood on the Ukraine border.


Back in the 80s, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, families were forbidden to speak about where/how their sons or brothers or fathers died. Their tombstones uniformly read, “died fulfilling internationalist duty.” Svetlana Alexievich did an oral history on the impact of the Soviet Afghan dead–it’s called Zinky Boys, for the zinc coffins in which the dead came home. I wonder how the tombstones of Ukraine invasion casualties will account for their demise?


Not sure, but Boudicca might qualify. Katherine the Great dismembered Poland (with help). Queen Victoria had almost continuous wars but mainly colonial things. Well, that’s three for the question marks; at least that’s the who’s, but not the when’s.


There may end up being more cemeteries in Ukraine for fallen Russian soldiers than in Russia itself.


We just shrugged off a million COVID deaths. If one in hundred Russian families loses a son over the next few months, it won’t affect the other ninety nine in their day to day. They won’t care. Nobody will care enough to change attitudes even, much less mobilize against the Putin govt. I hope I’m wrong. This is wishful thinking that outrage against the war will spark protest. Outrage over the economy, maybe, but not war dead.


Dude that is just flat beautiful. So different than your usual comedic schtick.